46 results found
Trending Worldwide |Mar 09, 2021
A man in England has recently made headlines after clinging onto a lorry of a drunk driver after being crash by the vehicles earlier.
Trending Worldwide |Mar 04, 2021
Everyone was shaken on their legs seeing a dangling toddle on the 12-floor balcony. One minute later, a superhero came and do wonder!
Trending Worldwide |Mar 04, 2021
Ingenious! The collection of how to cheat in exams includes the viral snaps of students and their tricks to pass their exams around the world.
Trending Worldwide |Feb 03, 2021
Don’t be surprised to know that Hollywood sign pranks started decades ago, in 1976 to be exact. See all 10 times the symbolic sign were changed to other words!
Trending Worldwide |Jan 04, 2021
The famous entrepreneur had some controversial statements on Chinese administrating systems before being rumored to be missing for around 2 months. See details!
Sports & Games |Dec 29, 2020
It’s been months since India banned PUBG together with a number of Chinese apps. As almost all players are missing the game, these Indians have created their own PUBG battles in their garden.
Trending Worldwide |Dec 25, 2020
Photos of widowed penguins comforting each other with an embrace win praise from social media users who say it's the 'cutest thing they've ever seen'.
Trending Worldwide |Dec 21, 2020
Not just gifted a special treat for Christmas, the homeless man was recognized by his family after having the haircut. He would reunite with his family members in no time.
Lifestyle |Dec 18, 2020
If you find formal IQ tests monotonous, then you must try these brain teasers to unveil your potentials. Some are easy to many but mind-blowing to others.
TV & Digital |Dec 17, 2020
Top 10 most disliked video on YouTube 2020 has an Indian representative to make an entry with flash speed. Check out the latest list right now!
TV & Digital |Dec 16, 2020
Some unpleasant charts like the most disliked video on Youtube 2020 in India still grab eyeballs. Check it out!
Trending Worldwide |Dec 15, 2020
A large number of unverified videos on the world’s largest x-rated website will be removed, in particular those related to child pornography and forced sexual intercourses.
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