Desperate Husband Clings Onto Lorry For 30 Km After Drunk-driver Crashes His Wife

Bhavna Acharya |Mar 09, 2021

A man in England has recently made headlines after clinging onto a lorry of a drunk driver after being crash by the vehicles earlier.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning when Anderson, 47, and his wife were enjoying their ride on the motorbike along the road in South Brazil. However, their beautiful experience was completely turned into a disaster.

Man Cling Onto Lorry Wife
Anderson and Sara is exploring South Brazil on their motorbike but there was an accident that torn them apart

When the couple was riding down along the road, they were hit by a huge lorry from the back and his motorbike got stuck in the front of the lorry. The serious crash took the life of his beloved wife forever while the man was badly injured.

However, the lorry driver seemed to be drunk and didn’t stop his vehicle. Amid the chaotic and miserable pain, Anderson managed to cling onto the side of the lorry cabin to face up to the driver and ask him to stop.

Man Cling Onto Lorry Photo Driver
The unjuried man swung on the window of the lorry for a long distance before the vehicle is stopped

However, the driver continued to drive 30 Km more with the poor man hanging onto the window. The lorry only stops when being intervened by witnesses and bystanders.

Man Cling Onto Lorry
Meanwhile, his bike is still stuck on the head of the lorry

The drunk driver who caused the tragedy was a 36-year-old Brazillian man. He faces m.u.r.d.e.r charge and is also believed to use d.r.u.g.s when driving his vehicles. In the footage recorded by another motorist, the driver was dragged out of his lorry topless and being hit hard by the miserable and desperate man.

Man Cling Onto Lorry Photo
With the support of the witnesser, he can finally stop the driver

Although the driver will need to take legal responsibilities for the incident, it seems like nothing could make up for the huge loss of Anderson. Regardless of the physical pains he had, the fact that he will never have his wife sitting behind his back has torn the hearts of the middle-aged man. It was the biggest pain in his life that he will never recover from.

While Anderson was chasing the drunk driver to pull him over, his wife Sandra p.a.s.s.e.d a.w.a.y at the hospital due to a serious injury on her head. She is a warm-hearted woman and the mother of a son. 

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