India To Return Chinese Coronavirus Test Kits Due To Worries Over Accuracy
Hai Hoang |Apr 29, 2020
India wants to return Chinese coronavirus test kits due to the inconsistency of their result. This sentiment is also shared between many European countries who claim that Chinese coronavirus-related products are often of low quality.
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Indian authorities have concluded that the results given by two Chinese companies' test kits have been inconsistent. As a result, the government wants to return Chinese coronavirus test kits due to their inconsistency. As stated by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on April 27:
“The Indian Council of Medical Research has examined test kits from Guangzhou’s Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd., as well as Shanghai’s Livzon Pharmaceutical’s. We have come to the conclusion that sensitivity differs from one kit to another, even though we expect them to yield high results in the process of monitoring the pandemic”.

They then continued:
“As a result, it would be safer if states stopped using those kits. Instead, they should urgently return Chinese coronavirus test kits back to their manufacturers”.
Earlier this month, India has ordered more than 500,000 nCoV test kits from China, in an effort to detect infected case in a wider range. Just days after the mass order, India wants to return Chinese coronavirus test kits due to their inconsistency. Furthermore, even medical scrubs that China sold to India didn’t meet the country’s medical safety standard. Reports have revealed that 50,000 scrubs from a total of 170,000 sent by China aren’t safe enough.

White House’s Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Peter Navarro, on April 27th, has accused China of exporting counterfeit test kits to the U.S, and bulk-buying virus-protection equipment in an attempt to exploit the current pandemic. His superior, U.S President Donald Trump, has also voiced his distrust in China by ordering a full-scale investigation about the origin of coronavirus from this country.

China’s Ministry of Commerce has lifted domestic export-requirements for nCoV-related medical products, as long as they have approval from the importing countries. However, in late March, the Ministry has tightened export licenses. This is due to complaints from some European countries regarding the inaccuracy of China’s test kits and subpar masks.
A lot of EU countries have rejected Chinese-made equipment while many others cast doubt on the transparency of Chinese government in publishing coronavirus data.

India, with a population of more than 1,3 billion people, has recorded more than 29,000 infected cases. Among those infected cases, 939 patients have died. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has ordered a national lockdown. Despite the effort, experts are pessimistic as the infected cases are rising at a fast rate.
Check out the video below to see for yourself some of Europe's complaints about low-quality Chinese test kits.
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