A Tiger In Bronx Zoo New York Tests Positive To Coronavirus, Raising Question About Human-to-animal Transmission

Bhavna Acharya |Apr 06, 2020

Apart from being the second animal case contracting the novel virus, Nadia the 4-year-old tiger in Bronx Zoo New York is also the first of her kind testing positive to COVID-19. 

After showing some certain symptoms of cough, Nadia, a 4-year-old female tiger at Bronx Zoo in New York was tested positive to Coronavirus. Apart from being the second animal case contracting the novel virus, Nadia is also the first of her kind testing positive to COVID-19. 

Corona Tiger Bronx Zoo
A tiger in Bronx Zoo New York became the first of her kind to commit coronavirus 

According to the zoo authority, apart from Nadia, 5 other lions and tigers also show similar respiratory symptoms. Despite having a decrease in appetite, they still look interactive and alert. At the moment, all of them are put under strict monitoring by zookeepers and veterans until fully recover. 

Earlier, one of the zoo employees, who took care of the cats tested positive to coronavirus leaving the whole zoo closed starting from March 16. Meanwhile, the US has become the new epicenter of the global epidemic of more than 337,309 confirmed cases by Monday, April 6, outdoing Spain and Italy with 131,646 and 121,948 cases respectively.

Cat And Dog Corona
Can coronavirus transmit from humans to animals and pets?

The human-to-animal covid19 cases are rare

In fact, people who are contracted with the novel virus are recommended to isolate themselves from not only humans but also animals including pets. The first animal case recorded was a cat in Belgium which was infected by his owner. However, the Scientific Committee of Belgian confirmed that the possibility of human-to-animal transmission is insignificant. 

It was reaffirmed by the American Veterinary Medical Association as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, they also added that you should find someone to take care of your pet when you’re sick. Otherwise, make sure that you clean your hand before and after contracting them.

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