What To Eat To Avoid Depression? List Of Food Rich In Vitamin B12

Hanima Anand |Sep 12, 2020

Scientists have pointed out that the deficiency in Vitamin B12 may lead to mental health problems. Here are top foods to consume to remain happy every day!

A healthy lifestyle and diet play a crucial role in preventing any kind of physical or mental health problems. However, the consumption of Vitamin B12 is of great importance to avoid mental issues. These foods rich in Vitamin B12 are proved to maintain happy moods while reducing the risk of depression.

Vitamin B12 Foods
Note down these Vitamin B12 foods to keep fit & remain happy!

In fact, these nutritious foods are essential for your overall body system, so eating enough these is highly recommended by all researchers.

1/7 Food Rich In Vitamin B12 - Eggs

The very first source of this nutrient is from eggs and poultry in general. This food is also easy to add in your diet but don’t overuse it. According to scientists from the USDA, only two large eggs can provide your body with 1.1 mcg of Vitamin B12 along with a considerable amount of vitamin B2 as well.

In fact, an average adult can eat up to 7 eggs per week but you should consume the whole eggs and should not exceed that number.

2/7 Food Rich In Vitamin B12 – Salmon

The next dish may sound more luxurious than the first one but it’s possible to have some salmon during the week. Being one of the most nutritious fish, salmon is rich in B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that lower inflammation and boost your spirit for the day. If you are wondering how much salmon you should eat, there’s no exact limit but a half fillet is enough for a day.

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3/7 Food Rich In Vitamin B12 - Trout

Another type of fish that you should eat to supply vitamin B12 for your body is trout, especially the rainbow trout. This white meat can provide as much of this nutrient as beef while not posing risks if consuming daily like the red meat.

Rainbow Trout Food Rich In Vitamin B12
The rainbow trout is only found in clean water areas.

That’s why eating trout is an ideal option to keep fit and stay happy. Other than vitamin B12, trout is also abundant in minerals but hardly contains contaminants. This is one of the healthiest fish in the world.

4/7 Food Rich In Vitamin B12 – Beef

Similar to the two protein sources above, beef is also a great food with vitamin B12 to avoid mental health problems. Beef even contains more of this nutrient than eggs and salmon but you must know to cook it to preserve the vitamins.

Choose the meat with less fat and grill it to save the nutrients from being released. Keep the amount of beef you consumed at moderate level or you may face some other health problems.

5/7 Food Rich In Vitamin B12 – Fortified Cereal

The next dish is especially for vegetarians who can’t consume the aforementioned protein. Cereal is beneficial for health in general and fortified cereal is proved to have sufficient B vitamins for vegans. Though it might not be able to provide as much vitamin B12 as meat, fortified cereals can be consumed daily as breakfast without worrying about its negative impacts in the long run.

Fortified Cereal Food Rich In Vitamin B12
This Vitamin b12 cereal bowl with berries is perfect breakfast for vegans.

6/7 Food Rich In Vitamin B12 – Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is not only a recommended part of a healthy diet but also a good choice when it comes to mental health. Remember, it’s the breast part of a chicken that contains most vitamin B12. Also, this meat can provide niacin which is a different B vitamin to lower cholesterol level in your blood.

Chicken Breast Food Rich In Vitamin B12
You can search for countless chicken breast recipes online.

Eating chicken breast is safer than beef, because it’s white meat. It can be consumed in either lunch or dinner.

7/7 Food Rich In Vitamin B12 – Yogurt

The last dish can be applied to everyone’s diet. Yogurt is always a great source of vitamins and probiotics in assisting your digestive system. A cup of yogurt per day not only does wonder to your health but also enhances your beauty. The amount of calcium, vitamin D and B in yogurt is essential for children’s overall development.

However, you should select the non-sugar products for the best results.

Other than those foods that are great sources of vitamin B12 to avoid depression, eating more fruits such as berries, beans or leafy greens are also encouraged to have a healthy mind.

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