An Indian Authority Breaks The Rule Of Social Distancing By Celebrating His Birthday

Ankita Chetana |Apr 06, 2020

On Sunday, around 100 people gathered at the residence of Wardha BJP MLA to get free grains prior to being dispersed by the police and government.

While Maharashtra is still following the 21-nationwide coronavirus lockdown and social distancing, BJP MLA Dadarao Keche in the Wardha district broke the government rules. He decided to distributed grains including wheat and rice to numerous people outside his residence on the occasion of his birthday.

People Gather In Maharastra For Free Grain
Dadarao Keche (on the right) and the image of people gathering outside his residence to receive free grains

Dadarao's act attracted hundreds of the citizens there, leading to an intense gathering in front of his residence. They stood around the narrow lane, opposing what was advised about social distancing to prevent coronavirus transmission.

As per some reports, there were about two hundred people gathering to get grains for free. After that, the administration and police arrived at the crowd to disperse all of them. Some photos and videos of the incident went viral on social media. Watch the video below to see the whole scene of the gathering in Maharashtra amidst coronavirus lockdown.

During an interview with India Today TV, Dadarao Keche clarified that he just wanted to give the dry ration to 21 families only. He tried to defend that his previous message was transformed wrongly, leading to an unwanted mass gathering. The MLA explained:

"I distribute food to the poor and needy every year on my birthday. I was planning to distribute food grains only to 21 families. After doing that I left for a temple but then opposition conspired and spread the message that I was distributing free ration to everyone. This resulted in mass gathering."

Social Distancing In India
Many Indians implement social distancing during the coronavirus lockdown

Meanwhile, India is now on the 15th day of the 3-week coronavirus lockdown. In some states, people have been following the guidelines of social distancing from the government. Meanwhile, some others noted that there have been many people violating the quarantine rule to get out of home freely.


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