6 Years After Marriage, Woman Found CIA Husband Had 3 Wives, 13 Children And Was A Sex Offender

Hanima Anand|Jun 06, 2020

The naïve woman in America has been conned all properties by the fake CIA operative. It turned out he had 13 children with 6 women previously.

Life of Mary Turner Thomson took a turning point when she found out the truth of her 6-year-in-marriage husband.

Mary went through hell days after truth on Jordan was unveiled.

A marriage after 3 weeks of whirlwind romance

When everything hasn’t been unveiled, everyone thought they found their love at first sight.

Mary smiled happily in their wedding photo.

Mary Turner Thompson met William Allen Jordan through an online dating website back in 2000. Their love blossomed and just 3 weeks after the first date, Mary said yes to his proposal.

Their wedding took place happily with big smiles on both faces. They had two children with each other later, along with one daughter of Mary from her previous marriage.

Mary and Jordan welcomed her first shared daughter.

However, the story doesn’t go like a fairy tale as it seems to be at first.

Web of lies unveiled after 6 years

All of a sudden, one day in 2006, Mary was contacted by another Mrs Jordan. She was shocked when knowing they had married a decade ago but she didn’t have any idea of it.

Truths start to unveil themselves from that moment.

Jordan had 3 wives, 13 children with 6 women and was a sex offender when molesting a girl of 9-13 years old back in 1997.

Mary's world collapsed, she lost control in eating and gained weight continuously.

Mary was manipulated totally by Jordan who prevented her from contacting family and friends. He convinced her to sell her flat and everything to pay ransoms for her children’s lives.

Surprisingly, Mary absolutely believes in this husband when he claimed to be a CIA operative. And he takes advantage of this point to spend time with his other families, saying that he has to do spy work outside.

Scam artist paid his price

After conning a number of women like Mary Turner Thompson, Jordan was caught in 2009 and imprisoned for countless crimes, including bigamy, fraud and also gun crimes.

Mary then wrote two books to narrate her ordeal when living with this psychopath. She used to suffer from eating order after finding out the truth. She gained weight till she was bed-bound.

Mary was lucky having support from her 3 children.

Fortunately, with the support of her 3 children, Mary could gain back faith in life again. She made some surgeries during 2016-2018 and could be able to walk again.

She is now enjoying time with her children.

Finally she can enjoy her life after dark days.

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