Coronavirus Can Spread From Gravidas To Their Child – Is It True?

Ankita Chetana |Feb 12, 2020

A newborn in Wuhan has been tested to be positive to coronavirus after 30 hours of being born. The doctor there noted that there is a possibility that coronavirus has been spread from the gravida to her child. Read the details.

According to CCTV – the National TV Station of China, a gravida infected with coronavirus (2019-nCoV) gave birth in Children Hospital of Wuhan – the spot-on-point of pneumonia pandemic.

The newborn in Wuhan Children Hospital was confirmed to get infected with 2019-nCoV

After about 30 hours of birth, the newborn was tested to give a positive result to coronavirus. The doctors at the hospital claimed that the mother’s infected case spread the virus to her child since her pregnant period.

Wuhan Children Hospital doctor Zeng Lingkong has highlighted the issue of spreading from gravidas to their newborns. Following her, all of us have to realize this issue seriously as a warning.

Emergent protection of doctors from Wuhan Children Hospital

Up to now, the newborn has been in a safe status. The doctors added that most of the newborns there don’t get in touch with the 2019-nCoV even though their mothers are infected with the virus. Earlier, a Vietnamese doctor has proved that coronavirus can spread from gravidas to their child based on scientific tests.

Following him, if the mothers infected with 2019-nCoV indirectly, they don’t need to worry immensely. As not many cases mother-baby transmission happens until date.

Coronavirus updates in the world

The death toll of coronavirus cases in China has crossed the figure of 1,000

As per reports on February 11th, 2020, there are 43,104 positive cases with coronavirus all over the world. The report also showed that 1,018 people were found dead and 1,016 of them are from China. Besides, the dead cases from other countries remain to record 1 person from Hong Kong (China) and another one from the Philippines.

Coronavirus updates in India

Since 3 people have been detected to be positive to 2019-nCoV, 3252 other people have been under severe observation and segregation in Kerala. Unlike Pakistan which left its citizens in Wuhan, India has evacuated about 647 nationals from the area of coronavirus pandemic.

Stay tuned on STARBIZ to get you updated about coronavirus day by day!

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