Tom And Jerry Best Episodes, Lesser-Known Facts & Songs

Rose Advani|Feb 07, 2020

Tom and Jerry is one of the most popular animated series created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbara for all ages in any parts of the world with 7 Oscars awards. See the best collection of Tom and Jerry movies as well as other facts below!

Tom and Jerry is one of the most popular animated series created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbara for all ages in any parts of the world with 7 Oscars awards. And two leading characters in this movie, Tom and Jerry, have been the most beloved characters of our childhood, even to date.

Tom and Jerry - Best animated series of all time

The article by picking you up the list of best episodes, songs, awesome images, and some lesser-known facts that you might not know.

Collection of best Tom and Jerry movies

Most of Tom and Jerry episodes contain interesting details but some of them might do better and receive a better rating from watchers. This collection will show you the best episodes that are rated on the IMDb website.

1. Robin Hood And His Merry Mouse

Rating: 6.4/10

The plot of this Tom and Jerry episode is other Robin Hood adaptations featuring two main characters Tom and Jerry. These characters will be created basing the leading roles in the Robin Hood movie. Robin Hood And His Merry Mouse flow the context of the world of Robin Hood.

Robin Hood And His Merry Mouse

On this part, Tom plays as a right-hand man to the Sheriff of Nottingham while Jerry is a member of Robin Hood’s Merry Men. The film still contains the classic cat-mouse chasing as other episodes.

You can watch the movie here!

2. A Nutcracker Tale

Rating: 6.4/10

The movie is a version of a short story "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" by E.T.A. Hoffman. And here is ballet adaption. The episode starts is with the scene of Jerry and his nephew, Tuffy, and Tom is watching the ballet. What will continue, click here to watch again?

3. Tom And Jerry In Shiver Me Whiskers

Rating: 6.5/10

Another best Tom and Jerry movie is Tom And Jerry In Shiver Me Whiskers which is around the journey of Tom and Jerry to find buried treasure before a group of pirates finds it. However, Tom breaks the curse for not putting the treasure map back in the bottle. Watch the clip to see what will happen?

Tom And Jerry In Shiver Me Whiskers

4. Tom And Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes

Rating: 6.5/10

Basing on some characters in Sherlock Holmes, the film is a cross-over between Tom and Jerry an Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories. In the movie, Jerry is Holmes's pet mouse and Tom assists Holmes and Watson. Click here to explore the attractive details of the films.

Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes

I know only 4 episodes above can't satisfy your mood, here is another best list of Tom and Jerry movies from Episode Ninja movie review website!

Best Tom and Jerry movies of all time
Episode Year
Sleepy-Time Tom 1951
The Missing Mouse 1953
Hic-cup Pup 1954
Little School Mouse 1954
Neapolitan Mouse 1954
Downhearted Duckling 1954
Pet Peeve 1954
Southbound Duckling 1955
Pup on A Picnic 1955
Smarty Cat 1955
Pecos Pest 1955
That's My Mommy 1955
The Flying Sorceress 1956
The Egg and Jerry 1956
Busy Buddies 1956
Muscle Beach Tom 1956
Blue Cat Blues 1956
Barbecue Brawl 1956
Tops With Pops 1957
Timid Tabby 1957
Feedin' The Kiddie 1957
Mucho Mouse 1957
Tom's Photo Finish 1957
Happy Go Ducky 1958
The Vanishing Duck 1958

>>> Do you know Tom and Jerry is listed in upcoming Hollywood movies 2020? Read details in the link!

Facts about Tom and Jerry movies

None of us does not watching Tom and Jerry in childhood, even now when we grow up. The chasing between Tom and Jerry grabs the attention of us from episodes to episodes. However, there are some facts that we might not know about the Tom and Jerry series.

Tom and Jerry - Jasper and Jinx

  • Tom and Jerry were originally called Jasper and Jinx

Before Tom and Jerry's name, the cat and mouse duo were named Jasper and Jinx. After the first success, the creator of Tom and Jerry decided to change their name and John Carr, an animator, recommended the names Tom and Jerry and later he won $50 for it.

  • Tom & Jerry are siblings of Yogi Bear, Top Cat, Scooby-Doo, and The Smurfs

Other big names were created by Joseph Barbera and William Hanna

The animated series was made in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbara who created other cartoon characters as Yogi Bear, Top Cat, Scooby-Doo, The Smurfs, and The Flintstones.

  • Only once you can see the face of Tom’s owner, Mammy Two Shoes

The face Mammy Two Shoes, Tom’s owner was shown only once and shortly in the “Saturday Evening Puss” episode released on January 14, 1950.

Tom’s owner, Mammy Two Shoes

  • Tom moved by four legs initially

In your memory, how does Tom move on his legs? We may be too familiar with the image of Tom chasing Jerry on his two legs while his hands stretching out to catch the little friend. However, in initial parts of Tom and Jerry series, Tom moved by 4 legs just like any other cats.

Tom is using his legs not his hands, everyone!

  • Tom and Jerry committed suicide in an episode

In the episode, Blue Cat Blues, released on November 16, 1956, Tom and Jerry committed suicide on the rail. Many people thought this ended the series but it didn't. Obviously the two characters survived the incident and continue bringing laugh to the audience till date.

The scene Tom and Jerry committed suicide in Blue Cat Blues

  • Tom and Jerry cartoons won seven Oscar awards

The animated Tom and Jerry achieved many adorable awards such as winning seven Oscars to date on the “Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons” category and was nominated for six more.

William Hanna and Joseph Barbara with 7 Oscar awards

Winning Oscar award episodes:

The Yankee Doodle Mouse in 1943, Mouse Trouble in 1944, Quiet Please! in 1945, The Cat Concerto in 1946, The Little Orphan in 1948, The Two Mouseketeers in 1952, and Johann Mouse in 1953. In the episode The Cat Concerto which won the Oscar in 1946, Tom performs Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No 2.

  • Tom and Jerry now turn 80 years old

Now Tom and Jerry has turned to the age of 80 and we might call them as grandpa Tom and grandpa Jerry

Tom and Jerry at the age of 80.

Tom and Jerry images throughout 80 years

Let's look back theses Tom and Jerry images that none of us can forget!

Tom and Jerry in Hanna-Barbera Time (1940-1958)

Tom and Jerry in The Chuck Jones Times (1963-1967)

Tom And Jerry Kids 1992

Tom and Jerry in Waner Bros Time (2014-Now)

Most famous Tom and Jerry songs

There is no doubt the talent work of musical director Scott Bradley when combining jazz, classical and pop music, then fitting them to the characters’ actions. Finding in Tom and Jerry an endless classical music term.

  • The Cat Concerto

In 1947, watching the cartoon film, we got a chance to enjoy Franz Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2: A frac-clad that Tom plays. Tom with the piece of presenting a plethora of technical challenges gets sympathy from the classical music community.

  • Kitty Foiled

Kitty Foiled is presented in a cozy at-home episode where Tom is chasing Jerry and find all method to get rid of him. However, a cages canary form the mouse’s aid appeared and help him to fight again Tom. You can listen to the song here!

  • Tom and Jerry at the Hollywood Bowl

Tom is no longer as a Virtuoso pianist while Jerry chimes in climbs onto the podium and tries first to conduct alongside Tom, then to steal the scene. During the episode, the musical community gets the chance to enjoy the music.

To enjoy the song, click on!

  • The Flying Cat

The song features Chopin’s Grande Valse Brillante serenading Tom’s discovery with a “Vivo” tempo. The Flying cat song is in the episode that the birds and the mouse repeatedly save each other from Tom’s bloodthirsty rage, finally won Tom.

  • The Carmen Get it

The song displays during the time Tom is chasing Jerry in the crowded streets of New York City. Jerry and Tom in Metropolitan Opera, where Bizet’s Carmen is about to be performed.

Jerry tries to enter Opera house without much ado whereas Tom pretends as a member of the orchestra. Basing on this background, the viewers enjoy the music pieces.

Tom and Jerry is the best-animated series of all time that inspires a lot for anyone who is working in the cartoon industry. The article has collected the most interesting things about this cartoon movie, from the best episode list to Tom and Jerry facts.

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