Indian Girl Beaten Unconscious For Defending A Chinese Friend Against Coronavirus Rage

Hanima Anand|Feb 24, 2020

The trainee lawyer Meera Solanki, an Indian girl from Solihull was attacked yesterday in Birmingham. She was knocked unconscious when trying to defend a Chinese friend against coronavirus rage.

Meera Solanki from Solihull had been punched and beaten seriously in Birmingham. She was celebrating her 29th birthday with her friends including a Chinese girl named Mandy Huang (28) at Ana Rocha Bar and Gallery on Frederick Street, Birmingham.

Meera Solanki and her Chinese friend Mandy

The girls were followed by a group of Asian men after leaving the venue at around 2 a.m. One of the men kept harassing Solanki and seemed to have an attitude problem with her multi-racial group.

Solanki and her friends tried to ignore these men even when he spit at one of her friends. He then got extremely aggressive towards Mandy, the Chinese girl, shouting rude words:

“For some reason he got really angry with her. He started abusing her calling her a dirty c****. He said ‘take your f******* coronavirus and take it back home.”

Meera Solanki decided to stand up as she was shocked and angry. To protect Mandy from coronavirus rage, she shouted at the man to stop and tried to push him away.

Birmingham's Ana Rocha Bar and Gallery where the girls met.

The man punched her in the head; Solanki hit the pavement and knocked unconscious.

After 6 hours in the hospital, Solanki had to be off work for the entire week to fully recover.

A witness at the scene said: “What I saw was beyond despicable. A totally vicious assault.”

This girl was shocked after the incident.

Meera Solanki also added:

"As I lay unconscious he continued to threaten my friends and abuse them before walking away calmly with his group of friends who did nothing to stop him or help me."

The police have launched an appeal to find the offender. Meanwhile, reports of coronavirus rage across England are increasing. There are about 400,000 Chinese people residing in England and Wales, who are the direct victims of these assaults.

>>> Also check out: Hilarious Pics of Cats and Dogs in China Wearing Facemasks to Stop CoronaVirus

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