Coronavirus Treatment Can Change Your Skin Color?! Chinese Doctors Infected With The Virus Wake Up With Dark Skin

Bhavna Acharya |Apr 23, 2020

After months of treating patients and eventually contracting the fatal virus, Dr. Hu Weifeng and Dr. Yi Fan came out from the medical care with noticeable changes in their skin pigmentation. 

Both of the doctors who were working at the Wuhan Central Hospital tested positive to the Coronavirus in January. Subsequently, they received their treatment at Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital with the involvement of a heart-lung bypass machine. This equipment actually functions as life supporters that pump oxygen into the blood from outside the body.

Two Chinese Doctors Turn Black After Recovering Fr
Two doctors in Wuhan turned black after undergoing coronavirus treatment

Dr.Li is one of the doctors who are in charge of their treatment. He assumes an early-stage medicine is an account for the changes in their skin color. To illustrate, Dr.Li pointed out that darkening skin color was one of the drug’s side effects. The name of the drug remains unrevealed. However, there is an expectation form Dr.Li, that both doctors’ skin would come back to its original tone once their livers fully recover.

Colour of two Chinese doctors turn dark after long battle with ...
Skin tone changes might occur as the side effect of the treatment

On the other hand, an infectious disease expert named Song Jianxin believed that their organs had suffered considerable damages during the treatment. In addition to the statement, he suggested that iron had entered their blood and caused the organ to malfunction. Iron was supposed to remain in their livers. This was responsible for the changes in the human’s skin tone. 

Coronavirus: Chinese doctors'
Their organs, especially their livers are believed to be damaged which make their skin turn dark

Speaking about his darkened skin, Dr.Yi admitted being in a state of shock when first gaining consciousness. After having awareness of his condition, he felt panic and started to have nightmares on a regular basis. Dr. Yi received counseling for the sake of his recovery from trauma. Despite his current inability to walk independently, the Wuhan Doctor was able to move around his bed.

On Dr. Hu’s side, his health condition was more serious. The doctor still remains in the intensive care unit after 99 bedridden days. According to Dr.Li, the treatment for coronavirus has definitely wreaked havoc on his mental health. Dr. Hu shared the same treatment as his colleague and just regained his speaking ability recently.

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