Chinese Park Jammed With 20,000 Visitors After Officials Offer Free Entrance Ticket

Salena Harshini |Apr 07, 2020

COVID-19 has yet to end but thousands of people in China are rushing to a national park after officials lifted entrance fee.

Closed their doors on January 25 due to the pandemic spread across the country, Huangshan National Park in Anhui, China is now open without charge to boost the tourism industry of the region.

A footage has surfaced online, showing thousands of people flocking to the Yellow Mountains scenic in the Chinese park with massive queues blocking the pathways.

Chinese Park
People flocking in Chinese park after the entrance fee is waived

Among the crowd, many visitors are spotted without a mask and not obeying the ongoing 2-meter social distancing to prevent the virus spread.

The entrance fee of the national park usually cost 190 RMB – approximately INR 2,050 – but it is currently totally lifted for Anhui residents in a bid to boost the region’s tourism industry after a long time of stagnation.

A huge number of 20,000 visitors arrived in the park which led to the gates being forced to close and other tourists getting turned away.

Chinese Park 1
Officials were forced to begin turning visitors away when the site reached its 20,000 capacity

With 120 shuttle buses, 5,300 tourists had been ferried to the ticket gates every hour before it began urging people to go to other near sites after the capacity reached 80 percent at 9.22 am that day.

Huangshan is considered a 5A tourist site. They later were coerced to apologize to those who could not make it in and offered them to move to another tourist spot.

Anybody visiting must clarify their health status and take temperature tests before going into the park. Those with symptoms of coronavirus were instantly turned away.

Chinese Park 2
Video footage shows tourist clogging up the park's pathways with huge queues

The Chinese park reopened on 21st, February.

The province of Anhui which borders coronavirus epicenter Hubei has had 990 confirmed cases and six lives claimed. The last new infected case was reported on February 27.

When the video went viral on the Internet, many are anxious about a Coronavirus second wave. Check out the video:

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