China Found Coronavirus In Frozen Chicken Wings Imported From Brazil, Is It Feasible?

Hanima Anand|Aug 14, 2020

The shocking announcement from China raises increasing concerns over the endurance of coronavirus in harsh environments below 0 degree. However, WHO doesn’t confirm this possibility.

People are freaking out after two cities in China reported traces of Covid-19 in the cargoes they imported from Brazil. What makes things worse is the goods are frozen chicken wings and this means coronavirus may survive below zero temperature?

People going through 2020 will be obsessed with the coronavirus pandemic for years.

Previously, many people including scientists asserted that the hot weather played an important role in curbing the spread of coronavirus in the community. They cited examples of cold countries as America or Russia experiencing higher numbers of confirmed cases while Third World nations in Africa witnessed a much lower infection rate despite their limited healthcare services.

However, this statement was then dismissed when coronavirus spread increased exponentially all across the globe regardless of the climate but depending on the controlling ability of governments.

Chinese cities claimed they found coronavirus in frozen chicken wings from Brazil.

And now, Covid-19 becomes more frightening when China shows the proof that the virus can live in frozen packages. In fact, there are some viruses that can survive as low temperature as minus 20 degrees of Celsius for up to 2 years. However, there hasn’t been any empirical evidence to prove the same for the novel coronavirus type.

Responding to the news from two Chinese cities, the World Health Organization’s representative, Mr. Mike Ryan, Head of Emergencies Programme, gave a calm-down statement, calling people to not fear food, food packaging or even delivery of food. However, he didn’t show convincing research that can refuted the Chinese claims.

The US Food and Drug Administration and Agriculture Department also said that there was no evidence that people can contract coronavirus from food and food packaging either.

There isn't any evidence of coronavirus infection via food yet.

Meanwhile, the Brazilian side revealed that they hadn’t been notified formally by any Chinese authority on the incident. The food packaging and delivery company ensured that it took all measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The Ministry of Agriculture from this country is also asking for clarification from China.

Before this, China used to claim that they found samples of imported shrimp tested positive for coronavirus in early July.

Let’s wait for the official information from all sides involved. In the meantime, please protect yourself and family by washing hands with soap regularly, wearing masks and sanitizing your surroundings often.

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