BTS Steals The Show On "Saturday Night Live", Brings K-Pop Magic In Their Performance Debut

Leela Adwani |Apr 17, 2019

The boy group brought down the house with two songs “Boy With Luv” and “MIC Drop.” Their fans also went wild whenever the name of the boy band was mentioned.

On 13 April, Korean boy group BTS made their first appearance as a musical guest on the show Saturday Night Live. It’s not far off the mark to say rarely can a musical guest upstage the host on this show, though there is no denying the huge fanbase that the boy band currently enjoys.

Emma Stone Bts Snl
Photo Courtesy: Youtube

Host Emma Stone was even seen making fangirling over the group and the first thing Emma did was “test the sound levels” by informing the arrival of the K-Pop band.

Thanks to BTS, this episode witnessed the shrillest and loudest screams that the studio has never heard before. The boy group brought down the house with two songs  “Boy With Luv” and “MIC Drop.” Their fans also went wild whenever the name of the boy band was mentioned. It's quite sad when Halsey couldn’t be seen in the performance in the song ‘Boy with Luv,’ but the audience seemed not to mind.

Earlier, BTS has dropped the much-awaited music video “Boy with Luv” featuring American singer Halsey. Well, after many days of waiting, the group has eventually given their fans a treat with an uber-colorful MV. Their new album was named “Map of the Soul: Persona” which is a reference to Dr. Murray Stein’s research on Carl Jung. For the uninitiated, Jung was a psychiatrist from Switzerland, and he is the one who founded analytical psychology. Dr. Stain is also working at a Swiss Analytical Psychology school as an analyst.

As per Dr. Stein, the message of Jung is a sense of the wholeness and also a hopeful one. It gives people inner guidance and focuses on the sacredness inside them. Well, this seems to what the boy group is going for their music. In fact, through “Boy with Luv,” BTS is transmitting this hopeful message. The song is about seeking joy in the smallest things in our life.


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