2020 International Women’s Day Meaning And Celebration Ideas

Leela Adwani |Feb 25, 2020

One of the highlights of the month is International Women’s Day which is celebrated annually on 8 March. Read on to know more about its meaning and celebration ideas!

When February comes to an end, March is opening with various important events. And one of the highlights of the month is International Women’s Day which is celebrated annually on 8 March. The day has taken place for more than a century now with the first gathering occurring in 1911.

The word ‘woman’ usually conjures up the images of care, affection and selfless love. Women, on the other hand, also ignite the spirit of hope and power. However, unfortunately, across the world, there were many countries where women had to fight for the independence and protection of rights. They had struggled a lot and are now still fighting to express the right to vote, speech, equality, income, education and indeed, to freedom.

1. What day is Women’s Day 2020?

March 8 2020 or International Women’s Day is a global day and doesn’t belong to any country or organization specific. Women's day is among the most important days in March in India and worldwide. It’s a day to celebrate the social, cultural, political and economic achievements of women and also mark the call to action for winding up gender parity.

Womens Day 1 - What day is women's day?
Why do we celebrate Women's Day on March 8?

IWD is all about celebration, reflection, unity, action, and advocacy. However, one thing for sure is that even though International Women’s Day has been celebrating for over one century now, it’s bound to continue to grow.

2. What is Women’s Day meaning?

Women’s Day is an ideal occasion to honor the women who could pave the path towards the progress and left no stone unturned to take ‘womanhood’ to the level of nowadays. This is also a special day dedicated to only women from all quarters to celebrate their great success across all spheres of life and shaping our future.

The fact is that the objective of IWD is also to express gratitude and love towards the contribution of women to our society and lives. It honors the struggles and power of the world’s other half who have broken many barriers.

meaning of Woman's Day
Illustration of Women's Day meaning

Below are eight values which guide the meaning of International Women’s Day.

  • Justice

While the definition of justice can differ across cultures, the notion is still largely based on equality and respect amongst people. Justice means everyone being afforded equally. Today, thanks to the IWD, the call for justice still prevails because women tirelessly seek equal treatment, opportunities, and conditions to those of men.

  • Hope

Hope is, no need for introduction, a feeling of expectation for a specific thing to happen. In fact, the Suffragettes outdid themselves with the belief where they completely trusted that women would get equal rights.

women's day celebration
Successful women in India are redefining the value of weak gender.

  • Dignity

Dignity is related to the idea that everyone has the right to be respected, valued and especially gets ethical treatment. Little do we know that the word DIGNITY in Latin means worthiness.

  • Equality

Equality can be understood that all people around the world have equal chances to make their life better and no one has poorer life opportunities because of their status or background. Meanwhile, gender equality means women receiving the same benefits as men.

Womens Day meaning equality
All human beings, regardless of sexes, are equal!

  • Appreciation

IWD provides a designated and specific moment every year and it identifies and celebrates the achievements of women.

  • Respect

The fact is that equality can be achieved only when the differences, qualities, and diversity of women are valued. It stands to the reason that respect is the key value in forging the equality among genders.

  • Forgiveness

Forgiveness is by far the strongest personality of women. However, throughout history, they have always been mistreated and even still in these modern days many people suffer harsh treatment. When it comes to research on forgiveness, women generally are more forgiving than men.

Womens Day 5
Forgiveness is one of the most important values of Women's Day.

  • Empathy

Going in a search of understanding others, appreciating differences and valuing diversity somehow are key to enhancing deep relationships. Don’t take the ability of understanding, listening and sharing the feelings for each other lightly as they are indispensable parts of any long-term relationships. Women’s Day is a chance to call for global understandings.

3. Women’s Day celebration ideas in India 2020

After you get a glimpse of what the Women’s Day is all about, then what do you want to do to celebrate this special day. If you are still stuck with ideas, here are some ideas for your 2020 Women's Day celebration!

  • Personalized giveaway

Creating personalized messages is the best way to win the heart of women on her day. They can be a welcome message for each woman of their personal laptop or work station or whichever is reasonable for you.

Womens Day celebration ideas
Know what your women love and gift them a customized present!

  • Women’s Cricket

Cricket is always known to be a type of sport for men only. However, men’s game on women’s day seems to be a great idea which is bound to help many women step out of their comfort zone. A small cricket match can take place either indoors or on the terrace.

idea to celebrate Womens Day 2020
A cricket match for women is never a bad idea

  • Radio show

A radio show dedicated only to women is also a perfect idea. It will be an ultimate platform where women can share their thoughts right on their day or men can confess or send their female co-workers wonderful songs with meaningful lyrics.

  • TED-style talks by inspiring women

The day cannot be more special when they can hear the speech from other successful women whom they always look up to. There are numerous examples of women who have bravely faced a lot of challenges in their society and raised their voices on controversial issues like gender diversity, domestic violence, self-esteem or girl power. Such real-life stories and inspiring talks surely offer much motivation and energy.

Ted Talk By Woman celebration idea
Women are inspiring; and they deserve appreciation!

  • Comedy show centered on women’s themes

The benefits of smiles are undeniable and a comedy show on to celebrate Women’s Dan is an ultimate gift. A little laughter can effectively boost their mood and reduce much stress.

March 8 is very close, with such ideas above, Starbiz team wish all women across the world would have a wonderful day. Happy International Women’s Day!

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Mentioning women means talking about Moms. To encourage people to express love to their mothers, Starbiz.com is running a contest named Like Mom Like Daughter with the total cash prize of up to 16,000 rupees.

All that you need to do is join our Facebook group and post your mother-daughter story. Results will be announced on March 9th, don't miss it!

Check details of the contest here!


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