Blood Type-A People Are More Susceptible To Coronavirus, New Preliminary Study Finds

Leela Adwani|Mar 19, 2020

According to a brand-new preliminary study of patients who caught COVID-19 taking place in China, people with blood type A are more vulnerable to the novel virus when compared to others.

Coronavirus has turned out to be a global concern and the WHO recently declared this infectious disease a pandemic. According to a brand-new preliminary study of patients who caught COVID-19 taking place in China, people with blood type A are more vulnerable to the novel virus when compared to others. Meanwhile, those with type O are likely to be more resistant.

People with Blood type A are said to be more susceptible to coronavirus, according to a new preliminary study

A group of Chinese medical researchers took the blood of over 2000 patients tested positive for COVID-19 in two cities Shenzhen and Wuhan, then compared to healthy populations. The percentage of type-A people both infected and died by the virus is significantly higher and they also tended to develop more severe symptoms.

Meanwhile, type-O patients accounted for a smaller rate. The researchers at the Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine advised that people belonging to the type-A blood groups need to have strengthened personal protection in order to minimize the possibility of infection.

However, expert advises that we don’t need to fear too much if we have type-A blood

However, we don’t need to scare too much about the same because it’s just a preliminary study and need more further concrete findings.

The fact is that a few scientists who weren’t in this study have required the researchers to conduct larger sample sizes.

New updates about Coronavirus in India

Coronavirus outbreak has swept across the world and in India, this deadly virus extended its footprint with Uttar Pradesh where a new case was confirmed on Wednesday. According to the health ministry, the total number of COVID-19 patients in India stands at 147.

The number of cases in Inda grows to 147

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