Loss In Sense of Smell May Be A Peculiar Sign Of Getting Infected With Coronavirus
Ankita Chetana |Mar 26, 2020
The recent research shows that when you can't smell anything, it means that you are possible to be infected with the coronavirus. Deeds inside!
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Doctors suggest testing coronavirus and quarantining the people who lose olfaction even when they don't have any symptoms of Covid-19. Earlier, a woman who got infected with the virus couldn't smell her child's diaper. Some chefs who are patients of Covid-19 also couldn't distinguish the smell of curry, garlic, and tastelessness of his food.
Some other people said that they couldn't feel the smell of a shampoo or a cat's waste. All of them got Anosmia which is a temporary olfactory loss and this is an attached symptom in the patients of Covid-19.

Gathering reports from several colleagues over the world, doctors of British Otolaryngology recommend adults who suddenly cannot smell should do a 7-day self-quarantine. This action needs to be implemented even when they don't have any other coronavirus symptoms.
President of British Rhinological Association Prof. Claire Hopkins stated: "We really want to raise awareness that this is a sign of infection and that anyone who develops loss of sense of smell should self-isolate. It could contribute to slowing transmission and save lives."
In South Korea, 30% of people confirmed positive with the pandemic have experienced anosmia as the main symptom. Meanwhile, a German expert of virus said that at least two-thirds of over 100 patients in the survey told that they have had this mild case.

According to Prof. Clemens Wendtner of Ludwig-Maximilians University Hospital in Munich, the patients will get their olfaction back within some weeks. Whether the disease is severe or not, this symptom will appear and won't improve when using oral steroids.
Prof. Hopkins and Nirmal Kumar declared to all medical staff that they must use personal safety facilities when treating any patient of smell loss and avoid implementing an endoscopy as the nose is the location for virus development. Doctors might have got a high risk of infection if the patient cough or sneeze during the testing process.

As per Prof. Hopkins, two doctors from Otolaryngology in Britain are in critical condition. Earlier reports from Wuhan - the first center of the coronavirus - also recommends that the otolaryngology doctor group include the most infected and dead cases apart from ophthalmology doctors.
The research also suggests including Anosmia in the coronavirus symptoms to expurgate and isolate the suspicious people of infection.
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