How Can You Leave A Toxic Relationship Without Losing Yourself?

Mina Muzumdar|Apr 16, 2019

For those who have a broken heart: 5 methods to find your inner confident after a bad breakup.

Ending a relationship, especially toxic relationship, can leave a hole in your heart because you lost someone you love and someone who you share your life with. There is no answer for when you will be fully recovered from a heartbreak.

Despite the heartbreaking moment, the tears and negative emotion, making a decision to leave a toxic relationship is something you should do on your ways seeking for true love. If you are experiencing a bad break up, here are 5 steps that help to heal your would without losing yourself.

Looking for help from friends, family or therapist

It’s undeniable that a toxic relationship is a relationship that you need to put a lot of effort to leave. Therefore, if you realize you are in this type of relationship, friends, family, and professionals are those who you need to ask for advice. Especially if you experienced physically or sexually abused by your partner, you need to seek help immediately from those who you can trust.

Even a bad relationship also leave you with unforgettable memories. You may feel hurt, sad and angry, but all of these feeling though positive or negative need to be accepted by yourself. Allow you to have time to cry, allow yourself to grieve for a relationship or allow yourself to feel happy after breaking-up during the healing process.

However, don’t let emotion over control you. Keeping your feelings bottled up inside can be harmful both physically and emotionally. You may write to someone or write down for your own about how you feel, what you think and begin with “I feel, I think...” instead of blaming your partner like “he makes me feel, he makes me think...”

Make a decision

It’s time for you to think about are you able to mend things that broken and if this relationship is valuable to you or you will be better on your own? A few questions to ask yourself: Was your girlfriend/boyfriend defensive? Is he/she trying to blame you? These are alert to you that you should leave your relationship.

Take care of yourself

If you have finally come to a conclusion about your relationship, even it’s giving up or continuing, the first thing you should do is practicing self-care. Treat yourself with the best thing, a relaxing day to go shopping or enjoy the sunshine on the beach and find your encourage to allow yourself to feel the happiness.

A toxic relationship can keep coming back to you because you allow it to be back. Undeniably, it’s difficult to get rid of the habits we have. Always remember how hard it’s for you to arrive this conclusion and what you have gone through.

“I am leaving you for me. Whether I am incomplete or you are incomplete is irrelevant. Relationships can only be built with two wholes. I am leaving you to continue to explore myself: the steep, winding paths in my soul, the red, pulsing chambers of my heart. I hope you will do the same. Thank you for all the light and laughter that we have shared. I wish you a profound encounter with yourself.” - Peter Schaller.