Delhi Landlords Forcing Students And Workers To Pay Rent Will Be Fined Or Imprisoned

Hanima Anand |Apr 24, 2020

The latest order issued by the government stated that landlords who force migrant workers and students to pay rent during this time will be punished. Read details!

A few days ago, New Delhi authorities have decided to order all landlords in the region not to demand rent for one month from students and workers, especially migrant workers, who are suffering the most from the India lockdown.

The order states clearly that any landlord who violates this order will be punished under Disaster Management Act 2005 by Indian government.

Accordingly, those landlords will be fined or imprisoned up to 2 years regarding the severity of their violation (as stated in certain terms of the Act).

Students In Rental Rooms
Many students are stuck in Delhi, unable to pay rent.

The government also urged workers and students in Delhi to call 100 for protection and provide information on landlords who broke the law.

As we all know, the India national lockdown has slowed down the infection rate in the country, but it also holds back most economic activities, which deprive workers of their sole income source. A lot of migrant workers shared that they worried their family would die of hunger before coronavirus.

>>> Read their sharings: India Lockdown: I Know The Risk Of Coronavirus, But I Can’t See My Children Hungry

While a lot of workers have walked hundred miles to be back home, many others remain to stay in rental rooms in Delhi without the ability to pay for the rental bill. These people are forced to move out if the landlords don’t stop asking for the payment and the entire lockdown concept is ruined.

Delhi Workers Walk Back Home
Hundreds of migrant workers had to walk 100km to reach home during lockdown.

Realizing the situation, a government official said:

"Even during lockdown, instances of landlords demanding house rents have come to the knowledge of the government. During this crisis, the workers who have been the worst hit need the support.”

However, many others are also pointing out that house rent might be the only source of income for some Delhi landlords. If they can’t get it, it causes financial distress to them too.

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