5 Blue-Sky Ideas To Remain Socializing During Coronavirus Quarantine
Ankita Chetana|Mar 27, 2020
Staying in and social distancing cannot keep you off socializing in the time of coronavirus lockdown. Read the top inspirational ways!
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The entire world is facing a serious situation of coronavirus pandemic with over 500,000 positive cases. The ongoing spread of this novel virus in the developing countries has warned everyone to take action and follow the government's safety guidelines. Most of the affected countries have announced a lockdown and required residents to self-isolate to fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
While before, we wished to take a rest at home after a long time of working, it doesn't seem to be true now. We need to lock ourselves inside our homes and it's not a comfortable duty. No matter what you do at home, staying off socializing is likely to exhaust our energy. No more parties or hangouts for some occasions including your birthday (if any).
The silence in four walls is able to ruffle your feelings, making you bored, upset, lonely, and isolated. Prior to getting your mood sunk down more, let's find a suitable way out of these 5 ideas of socializing in the midst of coronavirus quarantine. Of course, you cannot go out!
Have a meal together
Who is staying with you during the quarantine period? It doesn't matter at all. What you need to focus on is how to connect to each other for a meal, the warm time of gathering. With this idea, your close relationship with the others in your home will be enhanced. Make use of this time and you will find that the people who are sharing the same house with you are truly an amazing bond for you. If that is not enough, you can connect all the people under the same roof by board games. We are sure that none of you can forget this time!
Ask your buddies to play a multi-player game
Besides your family, you still can maintain your friendship by asking them to join some multi-player games with you. It's not only a way of socializing, but it also helps to boost your moods. Only a video call, a hand with some snacks and a coke, you guys are ready to play your high spirit. Some nice suggestions for you include Ball pool, Monopoly, Psych, and Scrabble Go.
Movie at home or a virtual socializing
If before, you have been too busy to watch a movie in the weekdays, coronavirus quarantine will change your routine. Gather all of your family members and turn a humorous film that you might enjoy for several times or turn the mode of Netflix Party on with your friends. Your free night is here!
Connect to who you care
Busy-working life has made us regret forgetting our care for our beloved ones under limited non-official time. How long have you shown your concerns about your parents or kids and your house? This can be a good time to heal it and moreover, try to get back with your forgotten friends or cousins. You will feel more comfortable and warmer when someone gives you the same care.
Little things turn big
Socializing in quarantine time means you have to use social media. You don't need to make a daily video call or chatting. A tag to your friends in related means, mentioning them in some interesting posts or a comment on their posts also work. If you have never uploaded a picture or a status on your timeline, why not make one now? It's much better to send a chilly sound or music to your group of friends as a way of sharing with them through this harsh time.
The socializing way is inside your soul. By this or that way, let's build this seem-to-be-boring time of coronavirus quarantine to an exciting and memorable quality experience.
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