12 Zodiac Signs Are Way Too Nice For Their Own Good, Ranked From Cutest To Bitchiest (Part 1)

Bindhiya Nhi|Jul 31, 2019

Astrology can tell about your characteristics, both good and bad ones. Where are you on the scale of cute to mean based on your zodiac signs?

Sometimes you feel that you are too cute for your own good, but others do not think so. It is impossible that you can be mean in several situations, but you have not just realized that. In this case, astrology is a useful help. It could point out whether you are genuinely kind or not, compared to other zodiac signs.

Scroll down to find out your position on the scale of cute to mean, based on your zodiac signs.

Aquarius: The Angel Of The Zodiac

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You are famous for being exceptionally kind and friendly. You do not have time for those drama queens and bad boys, trying your best to avoid conflict and tension. Many people think of you as an angel living in the garden of evil. Be careful; sometimes, other people might even take advantage of your kindness.

Virgo: The Natural Giver

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It is your zodiac sign that made you become the ultimate giver. You will be there for the ones you love if they are in the most need of caring and companionship. When people describe you, the first thing that comes to their mind is your generosity. Despite that fact, you are wise enough not to place your kindness in the wrong person.

Libra: That Good-Mannered Friend

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You belong to the group of those well-mannered people that everyone would love to make friends. Being gentle and courteous, you make the most effort to be kind in life. While keeping things happy and light in your way, sometimes you are likely to be too protective.

Sagittarius: Be Positive, Be Happy

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Your motto is: "Stay positive, all is well." You want to live your life to fullest, having no time for those bad-mouthing people or petty stuff. While some other signs still hold grudges, you know how to forgive and forget. However, when you try to speak from the bottom of your heart, you might be a bit aggressive.

Taurus: Too Kind To Be True

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You are incredibly patient, probably more than a lot of people you have ever met. It is not easy to make you lose your cool, even if you have to deal with mean people. Nevertheless, even the cutest people have their limits, so one should not push your buttons.

Aries: Cool Head, Warm Heart

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As a fire sign, you even go around and call yourself a fiery person. You can be mean sometimes just because you do not think twice before you speak. However, it does not change the fact that you are indeed generous, kind, and passionate when it comes to relationships.

To be continued...

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