'Star Kids Don't Even Give An Audition', Amyra Dastur Talks About Nepotism In Bollywood

Mina Muzumdar|Oct 30, 2018

On nepotism in Bollywood, actress Amyra Dastur has a different point of view about the matter

Being overwhelmed by #MeToo wave, the controversy about the nepotism, once again, was raised my Amyra Dastur. According to Amyra, being a part of the movie industry is very difficult for any outsiders. Meanwhile, those who have the chance to get in this competitive industry, the tough part is trying to survive as they have to rely on their own without any support from Bollywood biggies. Additionally, she revealed that even star kids have higher opportunities to have a role, sometimes, auditions are skipped.

“Star Kids don’t even audition”, Amyra Dastur said

The actress shared that while a star kid could skip an audition, it is absolutely a challenge for any actor to have a debut movie. Amyra Dastur also shared her perspective on gaining respect from others. She believes that the general public should give more respect to actors with no relationship but maximum effort to stay in Bollywood where competition is fierce.

“To debut in a film is definitely harder than someone who has got a known last name”, the actress confided.

If you are not a star kid, you have to struggle to survive in this industry

Moreover, the Kungfu Yoga actress expressed her forthright view that it was not easy for anyone to exist in this competitive industry without a good background. Having a successful debut movie is a necessary leverage for a second chance and future career as well.

There’s will be no safety shield

"There's no one to shield you from the dark side of the industry either", Amyra Dastur insisted. She believes that is the reason why the outsiders have a stronger will. Furthermore, she stated that newcomer must be the one looks after themselves, stay self-motivated and working harder and harder to prove their talent.

"I Love Being An Actress", Amyra assert.

Despite the pressure of work, Amyra Dastur ascertained that she loves and proud of her job. In addition, she expressed that it was a tough choice for an actor to live in the skin of another with a different lifestyle or image to satisfy public's expectation or they must face criticism.

Bollywood is showing women’s empowerment

To summary, Amyra stated that more and more people accept the role of actress in the film industry nowadays. Skinny or ridiculous fair is unnecessary. Furthermore, there is the rise of women's voice and opinion in this entertainment industry. Also, Amyra believes that the movement is absolutely happening as women are raising their voice and adding weight to their claim in Bollywood.