Indian Boy Invented Anti-Rape Shoes When He Was Only A Teenager

Salena Harshini|Aug 17, 2020

At the age of 17, Siddharth Mandala created an invention that makes him the hero of many Indian women. Read about his ElectroShoe invention and his journey of inventing it here!

Siddharth Mandala could have been like any other teen, spend all day surfing on the Internet, eyes sticking to the computer screens, or playing football. However, he chose to stand apart and credited his name to an extremely brilliant and useful invention to Indian women – anti-rape shoes.

His determination and idea to do something for women dawned on him after he witnessed and be part of the protests took place following the brutal Delhi gang-rape that trembled the entire country in 2012.

Siddharth Mandala invented anti-rape shoes when he was 17 years old

At first, Siddarth Mandala could not fathom what was taking place. After joining in multiple protests to get injustice for Nirbhaya and more alike incidents, the boy realized what went wrong. The 15-year-old boy at that time got that the nation’s judicial system was not helpful enough.

The event created a lasting impact on his mind and urged him to create ElectroShoe, his anti-rape shoes invention to prevent rampant violence against women.

He spent about four years working on this device which could help prevent molestation and rape. As its name suggests, anti-rape shoes pass electricity to electrocute the aggressor, The footwear will also send a signal to the police as well as the family members who use GPS.

The invention is lauded by lots of people, especially Indian women

Siddharth NAbdala said that women may forget to bring tasers, pepper sprays or other protection tools, but nobody would not remember to wear footwear before stepping out. About how the anti-rape shoes work, he said,

“She basically needs to kick (the attacker) after pressing the big toe for five seconds and that would electrocute the molester by shocking him with 0.1 amperes while sending an alert to cops and family. This is done with the help of a unique circuit board that uses footsteps to charge itself with the help of a concept called the ‘piezoelectric effect’."

“The more the user walks, the more energy is generated and stored in a rechargeable battery."

Moreover, the invention was born after 2 years of effort and 17 prototype failures.

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After a lot of hard work, he was able to get it into use

The boy, who is now 22 years old, was planning to pursue a master degree in computer sciences. At the time people knew about him for his brilliant invention, he was making his mind on whether to leave for Canada or the US as he received invitations from two universities there.

Siddharth is also the founder of an NGO, Cognizance Welfare Initiative, spreading awareness against rape and helping schoolchildren learn basic coding. His ElectroShoe recently saw Deputy Chief Minister Kadiam Srihari meeting him and giving him a letter of appreciation.

We wish that he gets to be a good investor and more encouragement to make more inventions a reality

For those who haven’t known, he is also the founder of Cognizance Welfare Initiative, an NGO that works to spread awareness about rape and help school kids study basic coding. For his ElectroShoe, he received a letter of appreciation from Kadiam Srihari, Deputy Chief Minister, and even had the chance to meet the Chief Minister in person.

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