Your Marriage To Possibly Last Forever If Going Through These 6 Hard Phases Together

Nari Chakraborty|Oct 08, 2019

There are always issues and misunderstandings in marriage. Here are six phases that every couple has to overcome to stay together forever.

Every couple has to experience issues and misunderstandings in their marriage. Even though it is struggling to overcome those phases, there will be a priceless treasure if you and your partner decide to go through them together.

Keep on scrolling down to find out those six unavoidable stages in your marriage life!

1. Criticism

Source: Internet

The boundary between criticism and attacking is relatively fragile, especially when you are in a relationship. Dr. John Gottman - the writer of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, says that when criticizing your partner, you are trying to point out their mistakes.

Using expressions such as "you never" or "you always" often lead the other to defend themselves. Therefore, instead of offensive words, you should transfer your thoughts through direct comments.

2. Confrontation and stonewalling

Source: Internet

There will be times in a marriage when you have entirely the feeling of being ignored by your lover. They suddenly build a wall and leave you in the middle of nowhere.

According to Dr. John Gottman, this happens to 80% of men. However, in reality, they do care, a lot. You should pay more attention to his feeling and not pull them into intense conversations if they're not ready.

3. Attraction to others

Source: Internet

Surprisingly, the number of 'not-available' women having crushes on others is higher than men's with 70%. "Attraction" is defined as a normal feeling and not about "cheating."

You should adjust your acts properly and stay awake with external relationships. Faith decides the life of a relationship. Don't try to create a gap between you and your spouse just because you feel confused. It's genuinely dangerous!

4. Disdain

Source: Internet

Contempt is often expressed through eye-rolling, sarcasm, and unfriendly humor. It's genuinely incredible toxicity of a marriage. The way you show your admiration and gratitude reflects like a mirror as the more positive you feel, the healthier your marriage will become.

The other sometimes needs a sign indicating that they're being loved and understood. Respecting your lover means that you appreciate not only the relationship but also yourself.

5. Overload

Source: Internet

A marriage which is the set of children, financial issues, and busy routines can quickly drive you insane. And, until the unbearable moment, you 'explode.' You have got too exhausted of everything and want nothing but to walk away.

However, why don't you take those challenges for granted? Instead of running away from responsibilities, why don't you try to overcome tough times together?

6. Acceptance and forgiveness

Source: Internet

It is the final stage in which you perceive the fact that there will be no more difficulties that can separate you two apart. In other words, you finally reach the stage of 'on the same page' in marriage. You and your spouse may have different ways to tackle a problem, but the motivation is the same: To maintain a stable relationship.

Now, you've accepted their weaknesses, and together, you not only show your empathy but give them a chance to improve themselves. Most importantly, arguments are no longer something of which both of you are afraid.

Source: Internet

There have been a lot of tears and pain along the road, but what you've received is entirely worthy. The frequency of silly fights dramatically reduces as you and your partner have already come to agreements about almost everything. Eventually, you get history. At this state of a marriage, you understand that getting married has never been easy but, things will be solved as long as your companion is around.

If you are in a marriage, have you ever experienced one of those phases? Which one is the hardest? And did you overcome them on your own or with your partner? Above all, communication is vital in relationships. If you feel struggling, don't hesitate to speak out loud and share it with your wife/husband.

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