Do NOT Get Into A Marriage If You Can Not Answer These 10 Relationship Qs Honestly

Nari Chakraborty|Aug 24, 2019

Your relationship is supposed to get into a new level? Ask yourself these 10 quick questions before putting on your wedding dress.

Your relationship is supposed to get into a new level. Ask yourself these 10 quick questions before putting on your wedding dress.

You and your lover have been together for a while and now both of you think that it's the very time to talk about 'long-term plans' for the future. Or, perhaps you still need time to think of what you've experienced with him. Whatever situation you are in, an overall rating is always needed. Here are 10 questions to ask, not only yourself but your boyfriend before making your final decision.

1. Do you really accept his personality?

In a relationship, there is always something you want to change about your partner. However, you can not change who he is and who he becomes. No one's deserved to live the way that others force them to. If you really love and want to spend the rest of your life with them, fix their faults not ignore them.

Everyone's deserved to be authentic, even in a relationship

2. Who are you?

How can you know that he's 'the one' for you while you do not understand yourself? Sit down and think about what's you've done and what you should haven't done in your life. Appreciate your true value, outline your shot and long plans for your own future with or without him. It's always better if you know you are on the right track in order to reach your goals.

3. Do you have the feeling of being trapped?

Have you ever been tired of seeing his face all the time or having conflicts every date? Have you ever thought of putting an end to this relationship? Do you really invest your time in loving him or do you just stay with him because... you don't have another choice?

4. What makes you want to be with him?

Are you actually in love with him or are you just in love with the feeling of 'having someone'? That's a big question! Take your time.

Did you finally find 'the one' out of your relationships?

5. Do you have a trust issue?

If you are always hesitated to put your belief in him, totally, then your relationship does have a problem. However, you can not rush to find the exact answer. Perhaps, there is no final answer. Just don't let yourself in the middle of anywhere.

6. Do you find him attractive?

If you've been a long relationship, you will understand that physical attraction is not the most important feature. He might be the most popular guy in the street but you don't feel uncomfortable over his self-esteem, then do you think that it's fair? Just a 'perfect on paper' guy?

7. Are you his girlfriend or his mother?

Looking after someone when they're in tough times is a great thing to do, but if you feel like as if he's your son then there will be tons of things need figuring out.

Have you ever got fed up with this relationship?

8. Is he a good supporter?

If you are in a fight with someone, does he have your back or just sitting there and enjoy as if it's on Netflix? Are you two on the same board? More importantly, does he always stand by you whenever you need and vice versa?

9. Is 'the old me' still in you?

You love him, more than anything in this world, that's lovely. But you have to sacrifice something authentic to keep the relationship? Something defines you and builds your personality. Remember we are who we are, don't try to be someone just because... he wants me so?

A relationship doesn't need many sacrifices?

10. What's for the future?

Living in the moment is such a life quotation, but above all, you have to look further. Every relationship needs a plan which should be built by both lovers.

So, have you finished these 10 relationship questions yet? If you haven't, well, just take your time. Don't rush anything that is important to you. Making the final decision depends on you.

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