Beware Of These 7 Relationship Killers Which Lead You To A Broken Marriage

Priyansh Ha|May 05, 2019

Pay attention to any subtle things which might be harmful to your relationship so you won’t regret someday.

There are thousands of reasons which can potentially lead to a split-up. One little thing adds up to others, and you do not realize until the day your marriage fall apart. Letting the relationship fall through the crack is the most common mistake of couples. They tend to overlook silent relationship killers which are sneaking into their marriages. Here are the 7 most common ones, beware!

Source: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

1. Conflict Avoidance

Conflicts have never been comfortable to deal with. That’s why most people tend to turn away from them. According to Connie Omari Ph.D., clinician and owner of Tech Talk Therapy, avoiding conflict is never the best way to solve the problem.

Indeed, it kills your relationship slowly as the couple doesn’t have any opportunities to address it. By running away from it, you’re allowing the negativity to cast a shadow over your relationship. So you know what to do, start learning how to come face to face with your conflicts.

Source: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

2. Invalidating Emotions

It’s hard to avoid it as sometimes you do it unintended. For example, when your partner feels cold but you don’t, you might say "It's not that cold" without being offensive. Unfortunately, your partner might see it in the opposite way. That’s how the problem starts. The feeling of being invalidated will add up while two of you getting disconnected little by little. "These two characteristics combined, will definitely work to deteriorate a relationship quickly," said Dr. Omari.

Source: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

3. Unresolved Trauma

Stepping into a new relationship with unresolved trauma is hurtful, not only for you but your new partner. For example, when you step away from a cheating partner and move to a new one, you will find yourself insecure and anxious whenever he or she goes away on a biz trip. You cannot help yourself from texting or calling them all the time. It’s will take a toll to get over traumas on your own but therapy can help.

Source: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

4. Resentment

There are many signs showing your partner is full of resentment like they might be sarcastic or passive-aggressive about some certain topics. The only way to solve the problem is to treat your resentful partner with care and open communication.

Source: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

5. Financial Infidelity

With years of experience working with divorced couples, lawyer Russell D. Knight comes to a conclusion that financial issues are the main cause in most of the divorces. "Many couples keep their finances separate," he says. "Not surprisingly, this does not bring couples closer together." Fights are likely to happen to couples with one is a saver and the other is a spender. When you find out your partner is trying to hide their finances, the trust issues happen. So, the first necessary thing to avoid a divorce is to stay away from financial infidelity.

Source: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

6. Stonewalling

According to the professional counselor, Dr. LaWanda N. Evan, there will be a wall put up between the couple when someone shuts down or withdraws from an argument. They find themselves too agitated and emotionally flooded that they can’t deal with issues respectfully. It’s really obstructive when one person doesn’t attempt to solve the problem.

Source: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

7. Change

By the time, everyone changes and grows up. It’s ideal for you and your partner to grow together. The matter is it never happens to most of us. There will be some points when you change or grown apart from your partner and the relationship. According to the divorce attorney, Melissa Fecak, the case tends to happen to retired couples who have time to notice the differences that developed are much for than they once thought.

These silent killers start off pretty subtle but might lead you to a broken relationship. In most of the cases, you won’t realize any problems until your relationship is filled with negative feelings. Pay attention to any subtle things which might be harmful to your relationship so you won’t regret someday.