5 Major Fashion Resolutions You Should Follow To Have A Great New Year

Leela Adwani|Feb 03, 2020

Today, we bring you 5 fashion resolutions everyone should make in the new year

It’s hard to believe that we already stepped into a new year, a new decade. In the 2010s, we witnessed an array of new trends that totally changed the whole fashion scene. As 2020 is here and it’s time to make some major amendments and a few changes in our daily lifestyle.

Today, we bring you 5 fashion resolutions everyone should make in the new year:

Reorganize your wardrobe

Organize your closet

The first and easiest resolution that you can do right away after reading this article is to organize your closet. Believe us, it won’t take long but the outcome is much greater. By changing the way you set up your closet including all clothes, shoes, and accessories, you can utilize your wardrobe to the fullest. Many people have admitted that they had several times forgetting where they put their special gift, important accessory or simply just favorite dress/ tee/ jacket because of their unorganized closet. Once we organize our wardrobe, we can be visually and easily able to spot every purchase of ours.

Repetition is okay

Even celebrity also doesn't shy away from repeating her outfits

A new year doesn’t mean we have to buy new clothes to have a new look. Instead, we can totally mix and match to get a new and refreshing look for a new year. The fact that no one judges you if you wear the same clothes like those of last year. So, bear in mind that it’s okay with repetition. If ‘fashion-conscious’ is a new trend of 2020, then you will be a pioneer.

Local brands, local designers are good

Support local brands

Many people are usually not keen on domestically produced products. However, in a country like India, traditional costumes are a must in everyone’s closet.

Recycle clothes

Little do we know that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries. One of 5 major resolutions this year is don’t throw clothes as many as possible, but to recycle as well as upcycle them.

What you wear is what you love to wear

Wear what you love

Be yourself is the last but not least fashion resolution we bring you today. Wear what you love and sometimes following the trends is not the best option. Don’t shy away from flaunting your style.

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