10 Poetry Books Make You Believe That You Are Not Alone
Leela Adwani |May 09, 2020
Be it a hurtful breakup, insecurity problem, or any unresolved trauma, whatever you’re going through, there is always a poet out there writing about their experience.
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Poetry books will somehow inspire you to reach the maximum potential of yourself one way or another, heal from heart-breaking traumas of the past and even help you move on from your exes who have broken your heart. Remember that you don’t have to force yourself to become an outsider, don’t have to walk around, and assume no one could understand what you’re going through and you also don’t have to keep your hurtful secrets locked up deep inside.

Be it a hurtful breakup, insecurity problem, or any unresolved trauma, whatever you’re going through, there is always a poem writing about your experience. Believe it or not, even you’re not into mushy things, their words can help you recover. Poetry books might help you feel okay, heal your soul, or at least, they can turn out to be a reminder that you are not alone.
If you’re keen on starting your own self-discovery journey, we’ve compiled some of the best poetry books. Let’s jump-start your reading.
The Dogs That I Have Kissed – Trista Mateer
Trista Mateer is the author of two best-selling collections of poetry: The Dogs That I Have Kissed and Honeybee. In the book, Mateer explores several topics although it doesn’t seem like it on the surface. One thing in common that many readers saif after reading through her poems is that they share a similar theme. The author explores the confusion, heartache, sadness, hatred, and realizations about life under the perspective of a young woman, regardless of her background, sexuality, or environment.

The book is for those who are now strangely hopeful even they have served the tougher portion of love.
If They Come For Us – Fatimah Asghar
Little do we know that the author of If They Come For Us is the co-creator of the Emmy-nominated web series “Brown Girls.”
The book captures the experience of a Pakistani Muslim woman in contemporary America. The imaginative and powerful poetry collection marked the debut of Fatimah as a poet.

She captures nakedly the life of a Muslim woman who is living in the fast pace of American life by braiding together the histories of both personal and marginalized people. Her poems are about joy, compassion, vulnerability, and explore several facets of violence.
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Yesterday I Was The Moon - Noor Unnahar
Young female Pakistani Moor Unnahar’s book is said to a moving account of rebuilding yourself through two phases in your life teenage and adulthood. Her poems mainly revolve around loss, belonging, love, and the catharsis of self-finding your voice.

Even though the book starts off with basic and normal poems that you can encounter in many modern ones. However, the more you read the more you get addicted to it as you can see the confidence of the author grows bigger in her words.
Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth – Warsan Shire
The book has impressed one and all with the title itself but what behind the book cover page is way more attractive. Teaching My Mother To Give Birth is a perfect combination of tales of female sexuality and teles of violence. In the book, the readers may witness the unearthing of the poet who always finds her way through the preconceptions and strike the heart directly.

To Drink Coffee With A Ghost – Amanda Lovelace
The list of poetry books cannot complete without mentioning To Drink Coffee With A Ghost. The book poses an ever-lingering question: what will happen when someone passes away before they can redeem themselves? In the first installment of Things That H(a)unt, Amanda Lovelace explores the memory of a toxic romantic relationship. Meanwhile, in this book, she unravels another kind of relationship. She talks about the memory she had with her now-deceased mother.

Small Talk –Devanshi Khetarpal
At first glance, the cover page totally gives off an irresistibly rich Indian culture vibe without knowing where its author comes from. Small Talk is a collection of poems that have been written in various cities for more than five years. Khetarpal’s work is always simple, declarative but very profound and it might come as surprise when she knows the age of the author at the time she wrote this book.

When You Ask Me Where I’m Going – Jasmin Kaur
The book tells the life story of a young immigrant mother who has been escaping from the trauma of the past for years and living undocumented while raising her kid. When You Ask Me Where I’m Going deals with identity under the lens of feminism, stigma, and culture.

If My Body Could Speak – Blythe Baird
Through loss, love, and the struggle with disordered eating, the book uses visceral imagery and sharp narratives to touch the deepest part of many-layered existence and it’s also like a way the author wants to confide in many generations about her feelings.

The title seems enough to tell what Blythe Baird wants to say, want to convey a meaningful message to her readers. If My Body Could Speak is like a celebration of girlhood through the journey of exploring sexuality, body image, trauma, and acceptance.
Depression & Other Magic Tricks – Sabrina Benaim
People usually take mental health issues for granted until they actually happen to their near and dear ones and even themselves. Understanding better than anyone else, Sabrina digs deeper into the topics about mental health, family, and love. Depression is not a nightmare as long as we know how to overcome it. In fact, Sabrina’s Explaining My Depression To My Mother has also gained over 8 million views since it released in 2014.

Peluda – Melissa Lozada-Oliva
We usually pay more attention to eyes, face, body as they seem to be a huge source of inspiration. Meanwhile, Melissa’s book looks at another part of our body that is not the choice of many poets. Yes, she talks about the relationship between feminity and body hair through the lens of class, family, and Latina identity.

Hope can have some quality time with 10 above-mentioned poetry books.
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