Woman Got Married To A Dog After Failing To Find Love 221 Times

Salena Harshini|Mar 26, 2021

It was a tough job for Elizabeth Hoad to find a partner until she got married to her dog. After hundreds of failed dates and four broken engagements, she decided that the only male that would not leave her is the one she should marry.

Elizabeth Hoad, now 51 years old, lives in Ascot town, North Berkshire, England. She is a former model who is famous for her hot and sexy figure. However, she seems not to have such luck in her love life.

She was the one that made headlines for being the woman who marries a dog.

Dated 221 times, engaged 4 times

In her 50s, she has not found herself a significant other who she can rely on for the rest of her life. The urge to find happiness made ways for her to seek a partner.

The woman who got married to a dog was a well-known glamour model in the 1980s.

She had met a lot of men even on dating websites. During 8 years, Elizabeth had dated 221 people in total but nothing ever worked out.

Moreover, she even got engaged four times. However, she could not end up happy with them due to the differences in characteristics and viewpoints.

After too many times of failure in love, Elizabeth Hoad lost her faith in romance. On August 2, 2018, she adopted a service dog. He is a husky dog named Golden Retriever Logan. When she is sad and disappointed, Logan was always by her side.

Having failed too many times, Elizabeth Hoad found her love in Logan the golden retriever.

Hence, Elizabeth decided to marry Logan the dog. She shared,

“I found the one and I adore him.

I rescued him a year ago today after I was unlucky in love on 221 dates. He had a traumatic first four years being locked and beaten in the utility cupboard.”

They even got married online.

Married her dog who she adopted

Tired of being by herself, she appeared on the national broadcast and married Logan with the feature of several TV stars. The two were pronounced “woman and dog”.

The blushing bride even unveiled how Logan had got her an 'engagement ring'. Meanwhile, she placed a bracelet around his neck to seal the deal.

She promised her doggy that she would take him for daily walks along with all the cuddles on the sofa that she will share with him.

"It was like we were meant to meet. He's saved me and I've saved him. I was broken before I got him. I got a dog behaviorist when I first got him and she said he'd saved me."

Elizabeth wore her wedding ring in her wedding photos, a white wedding dress while hugging Logan who donned a hat, a bowtie, and a slick suit. She also persuaded a priest to bless her ceremony at a local church.

Elizabeth Hoad promised the pup all the cuddles and daily walks.

Their wedding was held on the one-year anniversary of the day she adopted him. Around 20 people were present at her ceremony and the duo would have their honeymoon in a hotel.

She also shared that some may find her crazy and weird but she still felt that she did the right thing. She stated that they would be together forever.

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