The House In The Middle Of A River Does Exist, Is There Anybody Living In There?

Leela Adwani|Mar 08, 2021

It’s not the result of any catastrophic flood but it was purposely placed in the middle of the river.

It’s understandable when you mistake this house for the victim of a terrible flood for the first you see a picture of La Maison Dans la Loire (means the House in the Loire).  However, the appearance of this three-story house can be deceiving.

La Maison dans la Loire

If you have a chance to walk along the river Loire which is known to be the longest river in France, especially the area near the Lavau-Sur-Loire town, you will surely notice a rather unusual sight. Yes, we are talking about the titled building situated in the middle of Loire river.

The House in the Loire

As the name of the building, it’s not the result of any catastrophic flood but it was placed in the middle of the river by a company. The House in the Loire turns out to be a highlight of many river cruises.

The sunken house in the middle of the river.

For those who are unversed, the “floating” mansion is a brainchild of the well-known artist Jean-Luc Courcoult from France. It was a part of the Estuaire Art Exhibition in the year 2007 which had several international artists across the world come and jointly produce large-scale works.

It's actually a work of art created by many artists across the world.

This abandoned house is a replica of the original inn in Lavau-Sur-Loire. Courcoult produced this version initially on the right bank of the river. However, because of the high tides and strong currents, it was gradually moved to the left bank.

When the night falls

How the house looks at night.

Even though during the day, the House in the Loire looks a bit strange due to the unusual location, it looks relatively downright creepy at night. Especially, on windy days, the wind blows through the house’s windows. Perhaps, thinking about it can give you goosebumps.

Light is turned on in one of the rooms.

However, people truly freak out when seeing the light in the House in the Loire as it isn’t something we usually expect in an abandoned house.

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