Read This Before You Attempt To Snoop Around Your Partner's Phone

Ariana Linh|Jun 19, 2019

It can be really tempting to want to take a peek into your partner's phone. Actually doing it is one thing, but are you aware of the dire consequences to your relationship it might bring? here are some things you should know before committing the act.

It can be really tempting to want to check your partner's phone. Sometimes, you just can't help but be curious about your lover's private correspondence and see what they are up to. Actually doing taking a peek is one thing, but are you aware of the dire consequences to your relationship it might bring?

Source: Talkspace

If you ever feel like your curiosity would get the better of you, here are some things you should know before committing the act.

Privacy goes both ways

Source: Indiatimes

Before going through your lover's phone, remember this: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Would you like it if he was reading your messages? A mobile phone is a private gadget, and you're violating his privacy by snooping around in there. In fact, the desire to do so may prove that your relationship is not going well.

Don't let your curiosity ruins his trust


Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. According to experts, the most common reason for someone to check their partner's phone is because they feel insecure, either about their love, or doubt. This might pose some serious problems in the future, despite the instant gratification you might feel at the moment.

A mutual agreement is key


Of course, different couples approach privacy differently. You two might have enough trust to give a mutual agreement on phone-sharing. Your partner has put trust in you by giving you the password, so at the very least, you should expect the same in return. Consent is very important in a healthy relationship.

When in doubt, talk it out

Source: Lovepanky

The risk that comes with checking your partner’s phone that you may find material, however ambiguous, that causes you to make wrong assumptions, leading to jealousy in the form of thoughts, emotions, or behavior. If you have doubts, discuss the matter directly to your lover. Talking would always be the best policy to clear things out, and you get to hear the story from his side.

Nuggets of gold from an expert

Source: Nbcnews

Famous relationship counselor Rachana Awatramani also suggests talking with your beloved about this issue. She recommends setting up clear boundaries in terms of phone privacy between a couple but also warns that it requires a lot of maturity from both sides to completely entrust your phone to one another.

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