Horoscope: Your Zodiac Sign Will Get Affected By A Full Moon And A Lunar Eclipse This Week (Part 2)

Nalini Suri|Jul 17, 2019

Each zodiac sign will experience a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 16th together with a partial solar eclipse in Cancer in different ways. Read the details!

In the season of Cancer, every zodiac sign all raises the power of emotions and touchy feelings, especially when a partial lunar eclipse goes over this week. Besides, a Full Moon will add the sensitiveness to the emotional patterns in yourself to create a new system of value. Along with us to discover how you will change and radiate the energy for the last period of summer!

First, we need to know that lunar eclipse comes in a conjunction with Pluto, the land of everything we keep behind the door, compulsions, and obsessions. Meanwhile, Full Moon will bring you some upcoming days of anxious energy as a collective change in emotion but it will not last long. Now, we come to the details on your zodiac sign.

Libra (23/9 - 22/10)

The release of strong emotions will play around you due to the solar eclipse in Cancer. It is highlighting the importance of origins to remind you of what grounds and nurtures yourself when you prefer to be social and outer-living.

Scorpio (23/10 - 21/11)

The turn of lunar eclipse will focus on your way of communication and express any negative sides. Your life is said to be as healthy as your brain.

Sagittarius (22/11 - 21/12)

There will be an offer in changing how you value and support yourself deeply that needs you to stay stable. Both your inner self and finance are stepping into a new turn, requiring you to have a look back your foundations to rebuild it with more solidity.

Capricorn (22/12 - 21/1)

A workaholic like Capricorn should reconsider the way of achieving goals and define yourself again. This time rolls you in empowerment which leads to some simple changes in your relationships and personality as well.

Aquarius (22/1 - 21/2)

You have been in-depth of secrets and waited until revealing the subconscious elements. This time is ideal for you to find the healing in your mind and spirit, meaning some circumstances might not change or follow the direction of the eclipse.

Pisces (21/2 - 19/3)

You may find your own in the middle of some profound changes at work when your friendships will take a strong shift. It is the time for you to take a wonderful leap over and drive your network forward.

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