Astrological Guide: Seeking Ideal Scents For Your Zodiac Sign (Part 3)

Priyansh Ha|Jul 03, 2019

Let's continue the journey of finding the ideal scent which can channel your inner spiritual power!

What are your best and worst scents based on your Zodiac sign? Let's continue the journey of finding the ideal scent which can channel your inner spiritual power!

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

  • Best: Saffron, copal, nag champa, chile, and curry
  • Worst: Rose, vanilla

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A Sagittarius is a daydreamer whose head is always on the clouds. As a travel addict, they are attracted by exotic scents which come from other countries around the world. Therefore, every scent which is tied to their memories or boosts their imagination will be adorable to them.

The most prominent ones must be the smells of nag champa, saffron, chilies, copal, and even curry. Meanwhile, scents like vanilla and rose fail to draw their attention.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

  • Best: Chamomile, carnation, rosemary, or coffee
  • Worst: Heavy rain, ocean

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As a workaholic, a Capricorn tends to take as much responsibility as possible then burdening themselves with that vast workload. That’s why they need some uplifting scents like chamomile, refreshing rosemary, or crisp carnation for relaxation. When requiring motivation, the smell of coffee will be the best choice. 

On the other hand, Capricorns should keep themselves away from heavy aqua scents like rain or ocean smells which stir up strong emotions as they can easily fall into a deep dark mood.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

  • Best: Violet, hemp or chrysanthemum
  • Worst: Cinnamon, tobacco, and ginger

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To an Aquarius, a scent is not only just a pleasant smell but also a journey to magical spirituality. While the scents of violet or chrysanthemum can stimulate their state of mind, hemp will soothe and relax them.

On the contrary, heavy and robust scents like cinnamon, tobacco, or ginger can make them feel irritated or stressed.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

  • Best: Salty, lemongrass, beachy
  • Worst: Orange blossom

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As being one of the kindest zodiac signs, Pisces sometimes feel drained and exhausted of being taken advantage. In this case, water and aqua scents like is the best way for them to escape from stress while lemongrass scent is also recommended.

Meanwhile, flowery scents like orange blossom won’t work as it enhances the emotional attachment which Pisces has already got enough.

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