Top 5 Men's Grooming Mistakes That You Don't Know You Are Making

Alia Thao|Oct 16, 2019

Grooming today is not only for women, but men also pay more attention to their appearance. However, they tend to make 5 common grooming mistakes.

Nowadays not only women spend hours making up before going out, but grooming becomes popular with men. However, many men make even the most basic of grooming mistakes that they don't know.

1. Smelling too good can be bad

This is one of the most common blunders that men commit when getting ready. They have a tendency of overuse cologne or deodorants without knowing that fragrances only helps to enhance their natural scent. Applying an excessive amount can lead to a reverse effect that makes people stay away from you. Keep in mind that subtle is always the best.

2. Locking away the razor 

Many guys are into the macho look and start sporting stubble to transform to that look. However, too much stubble can make you broken-down and messy. Not everyone will look good with the stubble. If your face is defined with edges, keep it down to the bare minimum by a trimmer. Or if you work for a big and professional corporate, you should use your razor to clear your stubble.

3. Neglecting your skin

There are still some men misunderstand that skincare is only for women. But it is absolutely false. Although men's skin is stronger and tighter, it will get aging with wrinkles and other skin problems as time goes by. Therefore, keep your face washed every day, apply the moisturizer if the skin becomes dry and drink adequate water in order to keep your skin clean and hydrated.

4.  Applying too much hair gel

This is one of the most common grooming mistakes that many men make. Hair is one of the best assets that you own, so you should take good care of it. You should come to a salon and ask for some professional styling advice, which is suitable for your type of hair. When you styling your hair at home, make sure you don't go overboard. Like perfumes, men tend to over-apply gel and make their hair look sticky. For a good-looking hair, you just need a little amount of gel into the wet hair. Also, be careful with your shampoo and conditioner.

5. Bad Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is essential when you communicating with other people, especially in the working environment. Many men wonder why people keep going away from them, now they know the answer. Use mouthwash every day and bring a pack of mints wherever you go. Especially avoid eating smelling food such as garlic and onions if you are going to an important meeting or a special date.

Putting right these grooming mistakes will help you make everyone love you but you also feel more confident about yourself.

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