Good News For Marvel's Fans: Director James Gunn Returns To Helm "Guardians Of The Galaxy 3"!

Maanyata Thu|Mar 18, 2019

James Gunn has reportedly been reinstated as the director of "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" following the resurfacing of his offensive tweets joking about rape and paedophilia.

After nearly nine months since Disney fired James Gunn from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 following the resurfacing of his offensive tweets joking about rape and paedophilia, the director will return to the film.

Photo Credit: Christopher Polk/Getty Images

When the news broke, James, who has remained silent on Twitter since the firing, tweeted one statement to show his gratitude to those who had stood by him.

After James was fired from the project, the stars of the film involving Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Dave Bautista and Zoe Saldana, shared their support for the director by signing one open letter asking for the reinstatement.

James Gunn also took to his Twitter to apologize for his previous tweets. He wrote,

Marvel Studios put the production of Guardian 3 on hold, though Kevin Feige, Marvel Head and others involved had said that they planned to make it happen. There was no release date for Guardian 3 but James Gunn earlier claimed that the film would be released in 2020.

Photo Credit: Disney

During the weeks after James Gunn was fired, there were some rumours making the rounds about who could replace him, with many people thinking that the project was on the back burner. However, a close source said that in the fall, Disney went back to James Gunn because they were convinced that he should be given a second chance.

After being fired from Guardian 3,  James Gunn had signed to write and helm The Suicide Squad for Marvel’s rival DC. According to an insider, the director intends to do both movies with The Suicide Squad coming first.

The Guardians movies have garnered critical and commercial success, with the total collection of more than 1,63 billion dollars for both films.