After Abigail Pandey, Aashka Goradia Goes Topless On Instagram, Says Female Form Should Be Celebrated

Vaishnavi Gavankar |Aug 02, 2019

"Thankfully, this toxic mindset is being swept back to the sea of history like the 5 pm high tide", says Aashka.

Nowadays, there are so many TV actresses who are paying attention to nude yoga. Recently, TV actress Abigail Pandey also shared her nude yoga pose on her Instagram account and some photos showing her going topless and doing yoga.

Yes, at the time, these pictures are rapidly going viral on social media and people are calling the actress shameless. But at the same time Actress, Aashka Goradia also went nude for her yoga position.

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TV actress Aashka Goradia says, “A new paradigm is shifting in our collective psyche. Stale mentalities are starting to whither and rightfully die. Necessary for an evolving society. Exhaustingly and hypocritically, we as a society look down at broad displays of the female form as it appears in the moment. On-screen, completely accepted (pending the budget of such displays crosses a certain 7-figure total). And the male form, no issue there - the more muscles, the better. But the female form...this angle of the topic is still being strangled to death by the perspectives of generations before us. The old diatribe of “Pura pheno, log kya kehenge?!” [Cover up. What will people say?] is still muttered in every household.

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She also wrote, “We have the Sari - of the most enchanting styles of the garment in the world. The midriff blouse, highlighting the soft curves of a woman’s figure, is revered. It’s traditional! Conservative, you can say! But a bikini - oh no...baring a woman’s legs AND her stomach...” oh no,...too much.” And don’t even think of insinuating toplessness! The female form is the most beautiful of God’s creation. It is the vehicle to create life itself. Its expression should be celebrated. Not covered up.”

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Aashka also mentioned, “Thankfully, this toxic mindset is being swept back to the sea of history like the 5 pm high tide. People are catching wise to social codes once accepted without question. “Why did we need to cover up?” Because men get ideas! Because men start thinking dirty thoughts! Because boys only think about one thing!”

Not just friends from the industry but fans of the actress also praised her for her words.


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