Some Tips You Can Try If You Find Yourself Struggling With Failed Relationships
Ariana Linh |Aug 05, 2019
You will eventually date jerks in your lifetime. Sometimes, it will happen again and again and again. Here are a few tips you can try to find yourself true love.
Have you ever found yourself in the situation when you're bursting into tear right on the floor in my own bedroom after knowing that your boyfriend cheated on you, scammed you of your hard-earned cash and got rid of you? Maybe just right before that, you went over something even crazier, like a divorce?

Repeatedly you have been through this same fate, and repeatedly, you have to reflect on your life and the choices you've made. But ultimately, what could you do? I, myself, have been through the same thing. Same patterns. It is undeniable that I dated jerks, but I'm not alone.
Every woman eventually goes through what I had, maybe even worse. That being said, I decided to instead of blaming the guys who wronged me, I'm going to change myself.
Thanks to my psychologist and several self-help books, I knew that the only who's responsible for my self-happiness is me, myself, and I. In light of this realization, I've learned a few things and would love to share with you in case someone out there is struggling.

1. How do you feel about yourself, honestly?
It is human nature to seek love, but love can’t satisfy you if you don’t know how to love yourself first. Self-love is not the easiest thing to do in the world, but it’s definitely the best for you to work out.

2. Don’t strike a new relationship until you learn from the old ones.
First thing first, start asking yourself these questions: What were you put up with that was unacceptable? Did you draw healthy boundaries? How well did you communicate in your relationship? Can you tell you are completely take pride in your partner? What can you improve?
If you don’t learn from the mistakes, you will find yourself with the same types of guy that break your heart sooner or later. It is entirely up to you to change and fix your own flaws.

3. Know the energy you express
Imagine you keep spilling out words that are full of the sense of bitter, angry, demand and hopelessness, how in the world can you find your Mr. or Ms. Right? If you don’t like the way people react, find a way to change it. it is true that you have to be honest with your feelings, but decide which direction you want to be heading. Forward, backward, or stagnant?
Your focal point should be you and you only, the life you want to lead and your appearance to the world. When life knocks you down, get back on your feet.

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