Men With Symmetrical Faces Give Women Better Orgasm, See What Your Body Features Can Tell!

Salena Harshini|Oct 31, 2020

DO you know your body language? It’s possible to read someone’s lips – and a whole lot more besides. See what these body features say about you!

While we can read someone’s lips because body language is a scientist-proven thing, there are a lot more besides that speak volume about a person. What do our bodies reveal about us? Read our guide to see what you can say about a potential partner.

What women's body features say:

FACE - Manly means persistence

Ladies who have more masculine faces may have long-lasting relationships.

Masculine facial features may mean that you have a long-lasting relationship

This is because blokes who want a fling tend to find women with feminine, delicate features, as per Benedict Jones (University of Glasgow) and the University of Stirling.

EYEBROWS - Bushy means vanity

A well-groomed, thick brow like that of Cara Delevigne signals that you tend to have a narcissistic personality, according to the University of Toronto.

Thick eyebrows are enviable and they speak volumes, literally

Miranda Glacomin, a lead author, explains that attention is what narcissists love and an outstanding brow may help them different from the crowd.

EYES - Paler suits handling pain

Women who have green or blue eyes are said to handle pain much better than those who have darker eyes.

Light-colored eyes mean you are better at enduring pain

A Pittsburgh University study pointed out that ladies with lighter-hued eyes undergo less pain in childbirth.

LIPS – Natural is better

Jean Haner, a face-reading expert, said that women who have naturally thick lips are empathetic. Meanwhile, those with artificially plumped up lips can be selfish and needy.

Natural plump lips are the dream of so many girls out there

The women who have defined cupid’s bow are great communicators and creative. This is according to Jan, The Wisdom of Your Face’s author, bases the theory on her ancient Chinese face-reading art.

STOMACH – Fat shouts stress

A wobbly stomach could signal stress. When we are under pressure, there the hormone cortisol releases and it makes the body lay fat down around the tummy.

HIPS - Broad experience

For those who have not known, a woman owning wide hips may be more comfortable to have one-night ventures.

Hips are also one of the features that say a lot about your nature

It is also said that wider hips make it easier for childbirth, which may make the sexual behavior of a woman more promiscuous.

BUM – More shapely, more intelligent?

A lot of ladies would want to have a bottom like that of Kim Kardashian and if you already have one, it could be a benefit for your brain, too.

A study by Oxford University found that women whose bums are shapely are smarter and more resilient when it comes to illness as they have more “good” fats that enhance brain function.

A well-shaped bum also benefits you a lot

FEET - The toes tell it all

Jane Sheehan, foot reader, who has devoted much of her life to studying feet said that women with elongated second toe own natural leadership qualities while a short one implies that they are good at multi-tasking.

An upturned big toe indicates a sense of fun, while stubby toes mean you’re practical and pragmatic.

All the while, an upturned big toed messages a fun sense and stubby toes imply that you are pragmatic and practical.

What about men body features?

FACE - Balance means better climax

You are quite lucky if your partner’s face is symmetrical as it means that he gives better orgasms to women, proven by a study of biologist Randy Thornhill (Univeristy of New Mexico).

Men with symmetrical faces are more likely to give women better orgasms

It was also suggested in the study that these guys might be more likely to get a woman pregnant.

HIGH CHEEKS – High grumpiness

A man whose cheekbones are higher than yours is someone you may want to avoid in a quarrel as he probably has a shorter temper.

Brock University’s scientists say that the distance between the cheekbones of a man to his face’s height is a decent indicator of how likely he may get angry.

High cheeks are also the body features that say a lot about a man

Those with larger cheekbones along with higher testosterone levels possessed more aggressive natures, reported.

LEGS – Size does matter

Blokes with long legs tend to be more appealing to the opposite sex.

Guys with long legs are more attractive to the opposite sex

Meanwhile, the little men should be alarmed as those who have short legs are connected to heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and high blood pressure.

STOMACH - Chubby lasts longer

Well, tubby men have longer performance in bed.

Researchers at Erciyes University in Turkey found a link between being overweight and stamina in the sack – because larger men are more likely to have higher levels of the female sex hormone oestradiol, which delays their orgasm.

NOSE – Restlessness and temper

Although a long nose does not make you a liar, it may mean that you are more ambitious while those with a small nose have a fiery temper. It is proven by professor Abraham Tamir from Israel who has studied 1,300 noses.

Snub noses also mean immaturity while large nostrils could symbolize restlessness.

HANDS – Find longer fingers

Men who have long ring fingers are surprisingly four times more possible to have a partner who has hourglass body, as per Jagiellonian University Medical College scientists from Krakow, Poland.

Long fingers also belong to the good body features category

It is suggested by research that the reason for this is when male hormone testosterone bursts while they are still in the womb and it becomes other “manly” quality in later life.

SKIN – A golden glow is a go for

Scientists say that richer men tend to have a healthier and more balanced diet and lifestyle which gives them glowing skin.

Nice skin is also one of the most ideal body features to both men and women

Therefore, if you are finding a wealthy man, see how tan his skin is first. However, beware because a study found that this quality may also belong to a dominant person.

FEET – Big-booted boys are hard to trust

In case your fella has big feet, he may be more possible to have an affair. Those whose feet size are bigger than ten are three times more likely to have ab extramarital relationship than men with shoe sizes from seven to nine.

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