First Coronavirus Case In India: A Female Student In Kerala Returns Home From Wuhan

Leela Adwani|Jan 31, 2020

The first coronavirus case in India is reported in Kerala from a confirmed patient who is a female student studying at Wuhan University.

On Thursday, India has officially been recorded as the 20th country on the world to confirm a case of ongoing coronavirus which originated in Wuhan, China. The first coronavirus case in India is reported in Kerala from a confirmed patient who is a female student studying at Wuhan University.

India’s first case of Coronavirus

The fact is that the student had contracted the disease while in Wuhan before coming home for the holiday. The Union health ministry confirmed that the student from Kerala is tested positive for the infection.

Isolation ward in an Indian hospital

The respective from health ministry stated,

The Indian Government has stated that the student is now in a stable condition and being treated in an isolated place in a hospital. Now, 806 residents in Kerala are all under surveillance at their homes for the possible exposure to nCoV.

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The fear of rapid spread in India

India is known to be the second most populated nation after China. Many health experts had expressed their fears towards the spread of this deadly virus in the densely populated metropolises after the first coronavirus case in India was confirmed.

The fear among the public over the spread of nCoV

Not just this the fear is doubled when the public facilities for healthcare in India are underfunded and many also lack clean water, basic hygiene, and waste disposal facilities.

Despite many concerns over the virus, the government has stated that it already has a plan to restrict the further spread of Coronavirus.

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Previous Coronavirus cases in India

Earlier, three patients were admitted to RML Hospital in Delhi. Since Monday, they were kept under extremely tight health monitoring for medical treatment. The three men are age 24, 34 and 48. One of them is a student and the others have returned from their business trip to China. However, on Thursday, they were discharged after being checked negative of the virus.

The first coronavirus case in India is confirmed and everyone should keep your body healthy.

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