Top 5 Indian Male Fashion Bloggers To Follow: A Closer Step To Classy Style And Charmed Life

Kareena Kusari|Apr 20, 2019

These 5 Indian male fashion and lifestyle bloggers, with their trendy style, will rekindle an inspiration for a classier style as well as a colorful life in you.

While the number of female bloggers establishes more domination over the blogging industry, some male fashion and lifestyle bloggers still emerge as prominent and successful figures in altogether redefining the men's fashion. They, with their trendy style, will surely rekindle an inspiration for a classier style as well as a colorful life in you.

If you are a man with a total passion for fashion and lifestyle, you are genuinely going to love these 5 Indian male bloggers, who are the pioneers of the blogging industry in India that we recommend you follow.

1. Pardeep Singh Bahra - Singh Street Style

Instagram Followers: +190K

Born and grown up in London, with a diploma in English literature and a passion for writing, especially poetry, but the success of 28-year-old Sikh youth Pardeep Singh Bahra has come from Singh Street Style, his London-based menswear fashion blog.

With the reputation as a fashion blogger, Pardeep marked his appearance on leading magazines including GQ, The Guardian, Time, MTV, Times of India among others.

Besides his love for writing, the UK born fashion blogger also spends time and a passion for animals, photography, art, jazz music, and reading comics. Possessing a unique design talent, he also acts as a fashion designer, stylist, high-end exclusive photographer, and model.

Through his channel, Pardeep, a Sikh man, wants to devote advocacy of Sikh people and cherishes a desire to "normalize the image of a man with a turban and a beard" in people's eyes.

2. Raghav Gogia - Style Highness

Instagram Followers: +134K

Raghav Gogia started his journey as a fashion and lifestyle blogger with a passion and desire to spread his knowledge of fashion and lifestyle to everybody a couple of years ago. However, Raghav Gogia's blog Style Highness, after nearly two years of establishment and development, is currently not merely a fashion blog but has grown into a platform to provide the readers with the image of a charmed life.

Coming to Style Highness, you will immerse in the luxurious space and stunning images with the beautiful tone of colors in numerous articles about Fashion, Charmed Life, Travel Diaries, Trending, and Reviews. Here, you will have opportunities to explore more about people and discover new destinations around the world.

In a previous interview with a daily, Style Highness's blogger-in-chief confided his viewpoint and confidence in this new but exciting industry. “Clothes don’t define you; you define clothes. The way you style them is what makes you unique. Also, when they say anyone can become a blogger, I won’t take it as criticism. If you are hardworking, you can be anyone you want to be," said Raghav.

3. Karron S Dhinggra

Instagram Followers: +129K

The fashion blogging marked the spectacular and dream journey of Karron S Dhinggra, a professional lawyer, to the success of a blogger. Initially, like many other bloggers, Karron kicked off his genuine passion with the blog The Formal Edit in 2016 alongside the main career as a lawyer.

However, the successful results beyond his imagination, which is the remarkable feedback from readers, led to his decision to end the career as a lawyer. Subsequently, Karron officially entered into his blogging career and devoted his whole enthusiasm for it in one day of December 2018.

Flipping through his channels, the readers will come across with all about men’s fashion including his designs along with the latest trend in men’s fashion. Besides, you also find amazing fashion tips in matching accessories and outfits to create a stylish and perfect look for men.

Also, you can feel an undeniably unique style as well as a perfect combination of urban clothing and classic silhouette in Karron. He is always confident in transforming every outfit to bring his image a fresh and impressive style, which creates an outstanding difference to his blog as well as his social media.

4. Usaamah Siddique - The Dapper Label

Instagram Followers: +64.7K

Possessing a passionate eye for the subtleties of style together with a special love for design, and photography, Usaamah Siddique has currently found success as the Cosmopolitan India Best Fashion Blogger in 2018 - 2019 and one of the top male fashion bloggers in India.

Starting his career as a fashion blogger in 2013 after having a close collaboration with a celebrity stylist, Usaamah now brings his creative imagination and inspiration to the Menswear, Lifestyle & Travel blog named The Dapper Label, of which he is a founder.

Stepping into Usaamah's blog, the readers can find a source of inspiration to create and redefine the classy style for their own through numerous articles about outfit ideas, tips on accessorizing and take-away looks.

5. Abhinav Mathur - Abix Vlogs

Instagram Followers: +61.4K

From the very first step into his Instagram handle, Abhinav Mathur's dapper look with a sharp and trendy beard, together with a side-swept undercut will surely leave a big impression in you.

Undeniably, Abix Vlogs's owner, with his diverse and offbeat style from casual outfits to formal attires, completely redefines men's fashion. If you would like to seek inspiration to elevate your style and discover more lifestyle tips, his Instagram page, and his YouTube channel Abix Vlogs is an ideal destination for you.