What Is A Blackhead: Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

Omisha Nidhi|Sep 18, 2019

What is a blackhead? Find out about its Causes, Symptoms & Treatments, to prevent blackhead and say goodbye to it.

Blackhead is the worst enemy of any young girl. If you are suffering from blackheads, you may want to know what causes blackheads on your skin and why is it so hard to completely get rid of it. Today we are going to explore pretty much everything about this certain type of skin problem, to answer exactly what is a blackhead.

What is a blackhead?

What is a blackhead?

Blackhead is an open comedo, which occurs when scattered fragments of skin combine with oil. This combination often contains bacteria and blocks the pores on your skin. If the comedo is closed by the skin, it causes whitehead; and if it is not, blackheads will appear on your skin. The black colour is the result of an oxidizing process of a dark pigment produced by skin cells called melanin.

Who is more prone to blackheads?

Who is more prone to blackhead?

Dermatologists say that people with oily skin type will be highly probable of having blackheads. It is also pointed out that men are more vulnerable to this type of acne more than women since they have higher skin oil production and larger pores. Women will have more severe blackhead when being on periods. As you get older, your skin may be easily attacked by blackheads due to skin reconstruction caused by sun exposure and photodamage. But don’t worry, the drop in sebum production then will neutralize this condition.

What causes blackheads on nose?

Blackheads, which are commonly found on nose or ear and occasionally on back, neck, shoulders, chest, and arms, can be caused by the following reasons:

Hormonal changes

Hormones - a cause of blackheads

As mentioned above, blackheads are more likely to appear on women during periods; since it is the time when their hormones face a lot of fluctuation. Changes in body hormones usually happen during puberty, pregnancy, and consumption of birth control pills.

Heavy make-up

Heavy makeup may lead to blackhead on facial skin

Cosmetics may block your pores if you leave them on your skin for too long or/and fail to clean them properly during the make-up removal process. Leftover make-up, along with dead skin cells, builds up and worsen the appearance of blackheads. So it is not a good idea to try covering your blackheads with even more make-up. Try avoiding the make-up supplies with alcohol, which may dry your skin to the point it makes more sebum and eventually elongates your battle against blackheads.

Unsuitable skincare products

The products you are using may cause blackheads

Getting extreme blackheads can cause a rational person to freak out and try everything that is written “blackhead treatment” on it. However, it is highly advisable that you pay attention to the ingredients of these products, especially oil-based ones. In general, the effects of certain products may vary from person to person, so you should experimenting slowly rather than overusing blackhead removal without even knowing what is a blackhead.

Sweating and environmental factors

Clogged pores by the aforementioned factors result in blackheads

Heavy sweating after doing menial tasks or an intense workout can be a reason for blackheads which you often ignore. Another one that you may take no notice of is how humid and greasy the environment around you can be. All of the above affect the ventilation of your pores and welcome blackheads to occupy on your skin.

Excessive skin exfoliating

We all know that poor skin hygiene more or less results in clogged pores, but what about over scrubbing or drying your skin way too much? It has counter-effects. When your skin is dried up more than enough, it produces a large amount of sebum to moisturize itself. It surely is important to mop up the extra oil on your face, but so is keeping it properly moisturized.

Excessive cleaning methods may cause blackheads

What are the symptoms of blackheads?

Blackheads, unlike pimples or acne, do not make you painful or uncomfortable since they are non-inflammatory. It is easy to spot blackheads on the skin due to its dark colour, not the redness of regular pimples. They are slightly raised above your skin.

How are blackheads treated?

  1. Prescription medications
  2. Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments
  3. Microdermabrasion
  4. Manual removal
  5. Laser and light therapy
  6. Chemical peels

Much as blackheads do not cause physical pain or discomfort, they are such a pain in the head and one of the most concerned beauty issues. Being well-informed about what is a blackhead is the very first step - and of course a significant one - in your adventure to achieve healthy, glowing skin.

>>> More tips from Starbiz: Blackhead Treatment: 5 Natural Ways You Can Use At Home

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